State of Goa IndiaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIndia — the interesting country in which it is possible to combine beach rest to Goa and visit of the cities, for example Delhi or MumbaiIndia — the interesting country in which it is possible to combine beach rest to Goa and visit of the cities, for example Delhi or Mumbai11/12/2023Dmitry GorinThe main thing that is a lot of audience, one and a half billion therefore to achieve good results here it are very good. Then we have Bombay. In Goa acted, in Calcutta. There were rounds interesting, and always met very kind, positive, remarkable people12/5/2023Igor Mikhaylovich BootmanIndia — the interesting country in which it is possible to combine beach rest to Goa and visit of the cities, for example Delhi or MumbaiIndia — the interesting country in which it is possible to combine beach rest to Goa and visit of the cities, for example Delhi or Mumbai11/12/2023Dmitry GorinThe main thing that is a lot of audience, one and a half billion therefore to achieve good results here it are very good. Then we have Bombay. In Goa acted, in Calcutta. There were rounds interesting, and always met very kind, positive, remarkable people12/5/2023Igor Mikhaylovich BootmanIndia — the interesting country in which it is possible to combine beach rest to Goa and visit of the cities, for example Delhi or MumbaiIndia — the interesting country in which it is possible to combine beach rest to Goa and visit of the cities, for example Delhi or Mumbai11/12/2023Dmitry Gorin12128Region News+26 last week0Media Score8:42:13 PMGMT+5.591834Dialing code367Connections+124 last weekPopulation1 457 723NewsConnections Tree
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