Kroos Toni and other Germans of "Real"
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signed the new contract with "Royal club", having become the most highly paid German football player, and in passing declared that is ready to finish career in Madrid. "Sokker.Ra" remembers compatriots Kroos Toni, set aside a trace in the history of "Real".

of Mettselder Christophe (2007-2010): 31 matches

to deal with situation Kroos Toni in the history of "Real" concerning compatriots, we will arrange the German football players not chronologically their emergence to "Santiago Bernabeu", and according to achievements in a "creamy" t-shirt. Key parameter – quantity of the played matches, and here forcedly we note that the unluckiest German in "Madrid" is a Mettselder Christophe . Mettselder Christophe joined "Royal club" in the status of the main player combined Germany, but because of injuries and permanently bad form it was noncompetitive, appeared in the field only occasionally. Nevertheless, the champion Spain just once became.

of Shuster Bernd (1988-1990): 88 matches, 16 heads

Curious businessman: all three seasons which Shuster Bernd spent in "Madrid" (two as the player and one more as the trainer) "creamy" won gold Examples. B Shuster Bernd got over 1988 in "Real" from "Barcelona" , but, despite this circumstance, quickly became the favourite of public, having put a foot to two champion titles then decided to play as a part of another unfriendly to club "Real" – "Atletiko". The entertaining character this Shuster Bernd, once you remind, it lost a trainer's position in "Royal club": the German was dismissed after become property of publicity of defeatist moods, the expert declared that his team has no chances against "Barcelona".

of Braytner Paul (1974-1977):

Magnificent "Red Paul" passed 100 matches, 10 heads with span into "Real" in the status of the world champion in 1974 and helped Madrilenians to win La Ligui's two champion titles and the Cup of the King. Braytner Paul – one of the most extraordinary football players of the time , and not only on a football field, but also beyond its limits. Braytner Paul behaved excentricly, passed for the adherent of ideas of communism that at all did not prevent it to love money disinterestedly. In "Real" Braytner Paul got over straight from "Bavaria" where were tired of his eternal criticism to everything and all around. However, it nevertheless returned to Munich

of 11 greatest Germans

of Nettser Gunther (1973-1976): 100 matches, 13 heads

the First German in the history of "Royal club", whose transition was a peculiar answer to "Barcelona" which has caught in the ranks Kroyf Yohan. There began Nettser Gunther in Madrid unsuccessfully: in the first meeting did not realize a penalty and all season went wrong way, "Real" appeared only the eighth in standings . But then and Nettser Gunther blossomed, and the holiday in the form of two in a row champion's titles returned on capital streets. It is surprising that the two first the German as a part of "Madrilenian" - Nettser Gunther and Braytner Paul, stopped on a "round" mark in 100 matches. The only thing for that from them waited, but fans did not receive are an Eurocup progress.

of Kroos Toni (2014 - N of century) : 108 matches, 4 goals

Kroos Toni, as well as Nettser Gunther forty years early, joined "Real" in the status of the world champion. At present Kroos Toni already on the fifth place by quantity of matches for "creamy" among the German players, and at royal health and lack of other problems is required to it about a year to get out on the second line. With goals while the relations develop not too well , but it is explainable: the happy owner of the newcomer <= "" target =" _ blank"> the contract till 2022 in "Madrid" regularly plays a href too close to the gate, on a position of the basic halfback. But only from Germans only Kroos Toni, the Cup of champions as a part of "Real" obeyed Hedire and Illgner.

of Baudot Illgner (1996-2001): 119 matches

the Only goalkeeper in this list of outstanding gentlemen. Illgner, first of all, was remembered by that was the first number in fight on "Seventh" (the seventh in the history of "Real" the Cup of the European champions): Baudot won back on zero in the final of 1998 against "Juventus" and its star attack. However, not every day the German guard of gate in "Royal club" was so happy.

of Ozil Mesut (2010-2013):

Without exaggeration can tell 159 matches, 27 heads to p that Ozil Mesut spent fantastic time in "Real" though for a victory in the Champions League and did not wait. Ozil Mesut forced out from a mediapunty position (playing, a pleymeyker) Kaká and distributed assists to the right and on the left – on more than two tens in every season.

of of Sami Hedir (2010-2015): 161 matches, 9 heads

Playing for "Real", won seven trophies. Was the player of an iron basis in three seasons at Mourinho, but with Anchelotti's arrival was removed from a starting lineup moreover and the heavy trauma played against Hedira. Nevertheless, one of 18 matches in campaign 2013-2014 became a Champions League final: the halfback left in the main structure because of disqualification Alonso Haby and won back about an hour. In Hedir's next season appeared in the field even less often, and in the summer 2015 as the free agent joined "Juventus".

of Ulrich (Ueli) of Shtilike (1977-1985): 308 matches, 50 heads


– the only German whom "blankos" remember as a legend. After all eight years, more than three one hundreds matches and seven won trophies are not jokes. In a word, Ueli's is the main reference point for Kroos Toni which too will win back for "Real" eight years if fulfills as plans, new the contract till 2022 entirely.