Mogilny Alexander entered 100 best players of "Toronto" of all times

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"Toronto Meypl Lifs", noting 100-year anniversary, called 100 best players ever playing for legendary club. The only Russian hockey player in this list — the forward Mogilny Alexander which played for "Toronto" from 2001 to 2004.

Andreychuk Dave Keon, Sil Epps, Ted Kennedy, Daryl Sittler, Mats Sundin, Khorton Tim, Bauer Johnny, Byorye Salming, Makhovlich Frank, Turk Broda, Charlie Konakher, Armstrong George, Gilmore Dug, Red Kelly, Vendel Clark, Bushehr Jackson, Hep Dai, King Clancy, Lanny MacDonald, Ric Vayv, Bentley Maxime, Primo Dzhozef, Stanley Allan, Stewart Ron Ellis, Beyli Eys, Devidson Bob Pulford, Red Horner, Daff Dick, Is proud Drilyon, Baun Bob, Babe Dai, Karl Brever, Smith Sid, Norms Ullman, Kertis Dzhozef, Barilko Bill, Kaberle Tomash, Sloan Tod, Watson Gary, Thomson Jimmy, Andreychuk Dave, Ternbull Ian, Savchuk Terri, Paul Henderson, Felix Potven, Suini Shriner, Kameron Gary Lamli, Kessel Phil, Babe Pratt, Devidson Bob, Lorne Shabo, Tiger Williams, Leeman Gari, Thomas Steeve, Reg Nobl, SAS Mortson, Stewart Ron, Uolton Mike Palmatir, Garris Billy, Roberts Gari, Vensan Damfuss, Anderson John, Makkeyb Brian, Nevin Bob, Howie Miker, Walley Stanovski, Gay Stewart Ron, Eddie Shek, Metts Nikita, Darci Thaker, Ad Belfor, Lorne Karr, Errol Thompson, Barilko Bill Ezhiniski, Barilko Bill Derlago, Olmsted Bert, Kameron Gary, Al Ayefreyti, Ad Olchik, Jim Makkenni, Kheynsuort George, Marseille Pro-new, Mogilny Alexander , Gill Todd, Uolton Mike, Andreychuk Dave Ellet, Baldie Kotton, Dion Fanyof, Jim Pappin, Adams Jack, Bodnar Gus, Cal Gardner, Domi Tay, Glenni Brian, Korb Denneni, Khillman Larry, Wilf Payment, Russ Kurtnoll, Joe Klyukei ̆, James van Rimsdayk. Players are listed to br by br one after another, from the first on the 100th.
Source: Official site" Toronto Meypl Lifs"