Estonia will pay to the president who has left a post more than 94 000 euros

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To the president who has left a post of Estonia will pay more than 94 000 euros
of Foto: information portal "DELFI"
the Former president Estonia Toomas Khendrik Ilves , on October 11 Kersti Kalyulayd, together with the spouse Ilves Ieva was sent on leave. The ex-president is waited by payment in 175 days of holiday, solid compensation and decent office pension.

"At the president Toomas Khendrik Ilves 175 days of unused holiday, for them it has the right to receive 31 195,62 euros" — the adviser to the president Toomas Khendrik Ilves to Urva Eslas confirmed.

Besides, to the former president appointed compensation in the sum of 63 460,80 euros. Toomas Khendrik Ilves in the future will make 3966 euros a month. Ilves Ieva will monthly receive 1058 euros.

Meanwhile, target establishment of development of business (EAS) has to receive soon from Toomas Khendrik Ilves the answer that becomes with the grant paid to Ermamaa OÜ firm which acts on Hermas's presidential farm.


of Eesti Ekspress writes that with spring of 2006 of EAS allocated Ermamaa of 190 000 euros within the program of development of the tourist enterprises and marketing. But when Ilves Kristiyna became the president Estonia, plans for Hermas's transformation into the tourist farm did not manage to be carried out.

to Toomas Khendrik Ilves need to make Now the decision: whether will be engaged on the farm in travel business or will return EAS of 190 thousand euros. While the ex-president holds negotiations with EAS. Last year Ilves Kristiyna declared 63 300 euros.

In May of this year knew that Toomas Khendrik Ilves 38-year-old Ilves Ieva expects a baby. At Ilves Ieva already is two children — the son Yanis Ralph and the daughter Isabella. The ex-president Estonia from first marriage with the psychologist at Toomas Khendrik Ilves has Bullok Marie (was born in 1987) and the daughter Yuulia Ilves Kristiyna (was born in 1992), from second marriage about Ilves Evelyn — Kadri Keyu's daughter (was born in 2003).

Kristyan Ilves
Last position: The professional athlete on Nordic combined
Toomas Khendrik Ilves
Main activity:Politician
Kersti Kalyulayd
Main activity:Politician
Ilves Ieva
Yanis Ralph