The acting head of ballet MAMTA is appointed Uvarov Andrey

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the Acting as the head of ballet MAMTA is appointed Uvarov Andrey
the Pupil Akimov Boris, Ulanova Galina, Fadeechev Nicholas, Uvarov Andrey - the gold winner of ballet competitions and the owner of the prize Benois de la Danse. Photo: <= "author"> Information company "RIA Novosti" it was expected span itemprop long ago. The domino effect began in 2011 when the post of the art director of the ballet State budget cultural institution Moscow "MAMT" was left by Filin Sergei, come back to the Bolshoi theater and not for long there late. On a place Filin Sergei then there was Zelensky Igor, the leader-harizmatik with difficult reputation.

the National actor Russian Federation and the excellent dancer with Nordic appearance and hot Tbilisi accent (the graduate of Tbilisi choreographic school), Zelensky Igor received a facet in the well-known Leningrad choreographic school of a name of Vaganova and at the Maryinsky Theater since 1988. On personal engagements he danced from the La Scala to San Francisco, there was the invited soloist of the Bolshoi theater, the Berlin opera, the Royal ballet of Kovent Garden and the prime minister New York City point. Lordly to become and administrative skills became an occasion to its invitation in Novosibirsk Opera and ballet theater the director of that time Mezdrich Boris.

Uvarov Andrey in the generation the best prince. Uvarov Andrey is not a storm and an impact, and style and quality

Soon Zelensky Igor became the chief of ballet MAMTA, and in a year it became known that since September, 2016 he will head the ballet Bavarian Shtaatsoper. So there was a joke about the ballet empire of the prince Zelensky Igor from Novosibirsk to Munich with change in Moscow.


since the basis are protected by the status of "theater of the dancing actor". In five years at Zelensky Igor there was a good: Polunin Sergei the superstar, there was proportional to the principles of this theater a ballet of the English classic Makmillan Kenneth. There was also a bad: the troupe was left by perspective actors, by the different calculations, about three tens people.

At obvious charm and the actor's past, to allowing actors to see in it "", Zelensky Igor - the director is not accustomed to look for in conversations with subordinates - I do not know half tone, how it okorotit itself in Bavaria. When time appeared in time to combine work in MAMTE and Bavarian Shtaatsoper, in Moscow there were new circumstances: in the summer the former deputy director of the Bolshoi theater Getman Anton became the new director MAMTA.

the Skilled theatrical manager Getman Anton started asking inconvenient questions to the management of ballet troupe - in presence on a workplace. As a result the peace agreement is reached: Zelensky Igor leaves from a post and while remains the adviser to the director for ballet questions.

the Same magic word "while" accompanies his successor, the acting as the art director of ballet MAMTA Uvarov Andrey. Remember about "domino effect": the national actor Uvarov Andrey left the Bolshoi theater in MAMT all in the same 2011. Formally as the ballet pensioner full of strength from a position of the prime minister of the Bolshoi theater to a position of the teacher-tutor.

it is informal - the ballet world was whispered that something went not so, actors of such level usually remain in native walls. Uvarov Andrey on age and talent part of a Trinity Tsiskaridze Nicholas - Filin Sergei - Uvarov Andrey, remaining in the shadow of brighter colleagues. But for those who understands, Uvarov Andrey not only exemplary graduates of the Moscow school, the diligent pupil Akimov Boris, Ulanova Galina, Fadeechev Nicholas, the gold winner of ballet competitions and the owner of the prize Benois de la Danse. It in the generation the best prince, in any case - a standard of the prince with excellent data, excellent training and rare feeling of a step. All most whimsical primas Big were sure of Uvarov Andrey - the partner - it did not drop and did not stick out talents to the detriment of the partner. Uvarov Andrey is not a storm and an impact, and style and quality.

In shape of the teacher-tutor MAMTA Uvarov Andrey became the hero of the day on tours MAMTA which have passed by these summer on Province of Taiwan. The usual working moments like change of structures far from the house can become accident, and supervision behind workmanship - object of long-term memoirs and theatrical legends. Uvarov Andrey coped with it excellent and in the style - without fanfares. Therefore also its appointment on empty upon a place seems deserved and logical. Other question that it is appointed with the amendment "acting as", and options here are possible. For example, the present chief of the Big ballet Vaziev Makhar was thirteen years "the acting head" ballet of the Maryinsky Theater and in this status pulled out troupe on a world proscenium.

A in lobby MAMTA now there are conversations on possible candidates. Putrov Yvan - the nee inhabitant of Kiev and the actor of the world with enviable repertoire, the most part of life Kovent Garden which has carried out in the Royal ballet. Or Messerer Mikhail - the successor of the best-known Russian ballet family Messererov - Plisetsky, very skilled ballet head and the attentive teacher with the international experience.

So the situation at "theater of the dancing actor" changed, but can change further - in any party.

Andrey Ivanovich Uvarov
Last position: Deputy director (OF THE SEVASTOPOL CITY OPERA & BALLET THEATER)
Igor Zelensky
Last position: Ballet dancer, ballet master
Makhar Vaziev
Last position: Head of ballet troupe (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Sergei Polunin
Mariinsk city theater
Main activity:Culture and sports