The mayor of the Latvian Rezekne opposed the anti-Russian sanctions

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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the Mayor of the Latvian city does not believe in the Russian threat to
the European rarity - the mayor of the Latvian Rezekne Bartashevich Alexander does not believe in the Russian threat and is the opponent of the anti-Russian sanctions.

- To Latvia three Russian mayors, in Riga Ushakov Neal, operates Viļāni and I - in Rezekne. To the Russian mayor in the republic there is more than attention - ours Social Democratic Party "Harmony" in opposition also has "a black tag", us consider close to Russian Federation. But we try to consolidate the Latvian society, instead of to oppose one nation another.

On the second referendum about twenty five percent of inhabitants of the country told p "yes" to Russian. I too voted for that Russian was the second state. It was my protest: Latvia did not join and does not observe the European charter of languages of minority. Though I believe that our society to it will come. Our competitors, seeing progress of our party, use allegedly the safe thesis about "the Russian threat". I consider that it is shulersky game with fire. Resolving short-term issues - receiving votes on elections - they lose long-term prospects of building relations with Russian Federation. I hope, our establishment will understand that it is necessary to pay for operation of national feelings in economic loss. From the anti-Russian sanctions Latvia except harm has nothing. Transit, agriculture, the food industry suffer.

the safe thesis about "the Russian threat" is a shulersky game with fire

Latvia is not free in the decisions. In EU rigid regulation: the question of sanctions is accepted in Brussels, instead of in Riga. Courage not always suffices to us to object. All understand: if Riga uses the veto, sanctions against Latvia will follow. And for agrarian Latvia the agriculture means much. We are competitive in dairy animal husbandry and in fishing industry. But in EU us "eliminate" for what is artificial, but working mechanisms. One of them - the grant. For example, France receives for the same production much more grants, than Latvia. In such conditions it is impossible to compete.

But if we start resisting, to us show "argument" - it is necessary to resist to the Russian threat. But the Russian threat is invented though to Latvia about a half of the population believes in her. But time goes, the same rhetoric sounds, occurs nothing, fears concerning Russian Federation at people becomes less. Us constantly frighten of the Pskov paratroopers, placement of the Russian rockets and tanks at borders. Thus anybody analyzes nothing, only frighten. By the way, Rezekne the sworn brother with the city Pskov.

Aliens to Latvia it is certainly bad. It is society split, and it constrains us in development. The consolidated society always achieves the objectives and tasks quicker. My opinion: nationality should be provided to all who lived to Latvia for 1990, and everything who was born in it after that term. Many of aliens fairly consider that the Homeland betrayed them. People were born in Latvia, the Latvian language, all their "fault" that their ancestors arrived here after 1940 - go years perfectly know. To go to prove something, to pass examinations, to be naturalized for many of them humiliating.

A someone suffers p and cannot find work only because it has an insufficient level of the Latvian language. Language inspection fines these people and discharges from office. It is impossible to select the right for bread at the person. It is absurdity and discrimination. And at us can dismiss the yard keeper for inadequate knowledge of the Latvian language if someone writes the complaint. Someone decided that you not very well speak Latvian, and you are dismissed. It is terrible and unfair.

the Latvian language I know p well and I continue to improve. I think that I speak Latvian with accent, but anybody and never for it reproached me. It too truth. I want to tell many thanks to Latvians who always support me in improvement of language and very delicately correct if I am mistaken. I seriously began to study language only in 27 years. I have the Russian wife, we speak houses only Russian. But my son perfectly speaks Russian, Latvian and English.

Us frighten of the Pskov paratroopers, the Russian rockets and tanks, and fears Russian Federation at people less

That Russian Federation means to me? I love it. I Russian. There is no barrier between me and Russian Federation. And such people who have been brought up on the Russian culture and literature, there is a lot of to Latvia. I would like that as much as possible Latvians adjoined to the Russian culture and literature. Then all doubts and fears will gradually leave.

Rezekne - the multicultural, international city, and in it our advantage, we from all cultures and religions take the best. We have orthodox temples and Catholic, there is an old believe community and the Jewish synagogue. We visit to each other, everywhere friends. Luchshy Bridge between people, than cultural, between the countries I do not know.

"RG" Reference

Rezekne - the seventh city in size Latvia, is considered the most important transport knot of the republic. The city costs on border of the Euroasian union and NATO. In it lives more than 29 000 inhabitants.

More than 46% of the population Rezekne - Russians.
