Serbian Mikets won firing from the gun from 10 m in a world Cup-final, Isakov Vladimir – the 4th

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Moscow, 8 Oct — Agency Sports News 'R-sports'. Serbian Damir Mikets became the winner of competitions in firing from an air gun from a distance of 10 meters in the Final the World Cup which takes place in Italian Bologna.

In a final stage Mikets gained 202,9 points. The second place was taken by the Chinese Vey Pan (199,7). The three of prize-winners was closed by Kelesh Ismail from Turkey (178,4). The Russian Isakov Vladimir (157,8) became the fourth.

In similar discipline at women the Mexican Savala Alekhandra Vázquez which in firefight was more exact than the Greek woman Anna Korakaka took priority. Both sportswomen in the final showed result 201,0 points, in firefight more exact there was a Mexican - 9,8 against 9,1. The third position at the Olympic champion Rio de Janeiro in this type of the Chinese woman Chzhan Mensyue (178,4).

Chzhan Mensyue
Last position: The professional athlete on firing from an air gun
Damir Mikets
Last position: The professional athlete on shooting sport
Isakov Vladimir