OPEC will discuss a production freezing with neftederzhavami on October 12

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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the Informal meeting of members of OPEC (OPEC) concerning an oil production freezing will pass on October 12 in Istanbul on the 23rd International power congress. Ministry power engineering specialists of Republic Azerbaidjan which head - Aliev Natig - will take part in discussion in the message.

the Invitation to discussion was sent by p to Province of Alger, Saudi Arabia, to Qatar, to Kuwait, to Gabon, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Russian Federation. They will hold consultations in an informal format with the participation of Brazil, Kasakhstan, Mexico, Oman and other countries at the level of ministers, it is noted in the message.

Before carrying out consultations on October 7 during working visit to Venezuela "Rosneft" chapter PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" Igor Sechin will discuss cooperation with the president of the local oil-extracting company of Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. Eulojio del Pino who also heads Ministry power industry of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, earlier del Pino reported. Whether the subject of a freezing of production will be touched, considering that Venezuela supported as the first situation stabilization in the oil market, it is not known.

on September 28 at an energy forum in Province of Alger members OPEC reached preliminary agreements concerning restriction of production level with the cartel countries. Specific actions, as expected, will be undertaken in November coordination by committee. It is supposed that from present 33,24 million barrels production will be reduced to 32,5-33 million, and Iran, Lybia and Nigeria will receive special conditions in this transaction. Actions Russian Federation in this case did not make a reservation yet.