The resident of Izhevsk Belkov Maxime prolonged the contract with the KATUSHA cycle team

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The resident of Izhevsk Maxim Belkov prolonged the contract with the KATUSHA cycle team. Udmurt Republic. The cyclist from Izhevsk Belkov Maxime prolonged the contract with the KATUSHA team. As the collective press service reports, for the athlete the next season becomes the sixth in team.

"Belkov Maxime are one of the most professional racers in the pelotena, it is irreplaceable in team constructions, including on Grand rounds. Behind shoulders Belkov Maxime 5 participations in "Dzhiro d’ Italy", – it is spoken in the message on the official site.

of KATUSHA declared also extension of contracts with Kochetkov Pawel, Losada Alberto, Tiago Machadu and Ángel Visiozo.

"As a part of KATUSHA there is a number of racers, whose contribution to command success, to achievement of the command purposes is rather great. And our leaders can confirm it: without Belkov Maxime, Kochetkov Pawel, Losada Alberto, Tiago and Ángel they never could achieve the remarkable victories. All five racers about whom we speak today, are not only part of team, they – part of our bicycle family. Yes, they seldom achieve own progress, but their work provides the general success of team", - the general manager Yekimov Vyacheslav told.

Maxime Belkov
Kochetkov Pawel
Visiozo Ankhel
Yekimov Vyacheslav