The bicycle racer from Udmurt Republic lost millimeter in fight for "gold" of prestigious "something ephemeral" Paris-Buzhur

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The bicycle racer from Udmurtia lost millimeter in fight for on the finish conceded "9" > to the Irish racer Bennett Sam from the Bora Argon 18 team.


Paris. The bicycle racer of the KATUSHA Porsev Alexander, representing Udmurt Republic, lost some millimeters in fight for "gold" of prestigious "something ephemeral" Paris-Buzhur. As the press service of team of the winner of race Bennett Sam reports it was succeeded to define only by a photo finish.

"Certainly, I am a little upset because the victory was very close. I saw the photo finish photo, seemingly, between us there was only 1 millimeter. Well, not to do anything with it. Race took place for me well, I perfectly felt, and the team perfectly helped me, especially, with the final. I thank team mate for the help today. At the end, Khaller Marco and Iacopo Gvargneri perfectly took out me so you passed the last turn on the first position", - Porsev Alexander after race told.

He also noted that despite this loss on the finish with optimism waits for the following races – "Paris – Round" and the World Cup.

according to a site of the team, the one-day race "Paris-Burzh" started in a commune Zhyen, and finished in Burzhe. The distance of race made 190,3 km. Long time ahead there was a separation from five racers which to final part of a distance was reduced to two people. Peloton conducted active prosecution of a separation. Speed was very high so the group of athletes was divided into two parts – in the first group there were no more than 50 racers among whom there were five representatives of the KATUSHA team (Belkov Maxime, Lagutin Sergei, Khaller Marco, Iacopo Gvargneri and Porsev Alexander). For 13 km to the finish the separation was neutralized then everything came to the end with sprint in which Bennett Sam. Porsev Alexander, thus, took the 2nd place, and the three of prize-winners closed Barbye Rudy from Roubaix Lille Métropole.

"As a whole, I am happy with team and how our children carried out race. KATUSHA looked very adequately. We decided that Porsev Alexander will be our leader – it is in a good form, as proved today. At Porsev Alexander good sprint turned out, and at the first moment we thought that he won – in the final everything was so close! But, the photo finish gave a victory to Bennett Sam. Nevertheless, we can be happy with result which will give more confidence of the forces to Porsev Alexander before the World Cup", - the sports director Mikhaylov Gennady added upon termination of race.

Marco Khaller
Last position: The professional athlete on highway cycle races
Yakopo Gvarnyeri
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing
Alexander Nikolaevich Porsev
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling (LLC "RUSVELO")
Rudy Barbye
Last position: The professional athlete on highway cycle races
Gennady Ignatyevich Mikhaylov
Last position: Sporting director of "Katusha-Alpecin"