The transport prosecutor's office undertook sites with counterfeit spirits and clothes

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Sakhalin transport prosecutor's office became interested in announcements of sale of fakes of perfume and clothes of famous brands which, on assurance of sellers, it is impossible to distinguish from the original. Information on allegedly luxury goods was placed on one of regional Internet resources.

militiamen during verification of the customs legislation had bases to believe that offered production is counterfeit. To provide certificates or other documents confirming authenticity of production authors of messages could not. Then the transport prosecutor Sakhalin region appealed to court with the requirement to block announcements. This case can be considered unprecedented.

- Now we develop practice of rather counterfeit production which realize in a network. It now is not present, - the Sakhalin transport prosecutor Korchak Yegor . - Earlier we did not send to court the statement with the requirement to block announcements of production sale with the content of objects of intellectual property and copyright.