American soccer. " State of Minnesota Vikingz" and "Denver Bronkos" won the fourth victories in the NFL championship

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Matches of the fourth week took place in the regular championship of National football league on to the American soccer. They brought the following results:

of Miami Dolfins - Cincinnati Benglz 7:22 (7:10, 0:6, 0:3, 0:3)
Indianapolis Kolts - Jacksonville Dzhegers 27:30 (3:7, 3:10, 0:6, 21:7)
Buffalo Billz - New Inglend Petriots 16:0 (7:0, 6:0, 3:0, 0:0)
Detroit Lyons - Chicago Bearz 14:17 (0:7, 3:0, 3:7, 8:3)
Panters Carolyn - Atlanta Felkons 33:48 (0:14, 10:3, 0:14, 23:17)
Cleveland Brauns - Washington D.C. Redskins 20:31 (0:14, 17:3, 3:0, 0:14)
Oklend Reyders - Baltimore Reyvens 28:27 (7:0, 7:6, 0:6, 14:15)
Seattle Sikhoks - New York Dzhets 27:17 (0:3, 14:7, 3:0, 10:7)
of Tennessee Taytens - Huston Teksans 20:27 (3:14, 14:6, 3:7, 0:0)
Denver Bronkos - Tampa Beng Bakkengirs 27:7 (7:7, 10:0, 3:0, 7:0)
Dallas Kovboys's
- San Francisco the 49th 24:17 (0:7, 14:7, 7:3, 3:0)
Los Angeles Rems - Arizona Kardinals 17:13 (7:0, 3:10, 0:3, 7:0)
New-Orlean Seynts
- San Diego Chardzhers 35:34 (7:7, 7:17, 7:0, 14:10)
of Kansas City Chifs - Pittsburgh Stilerz 14:43 (0:22, 0:7, 0:7, 14:7)
New Dzhaynts York - State of Minnesota Vikingz 10:24 (0:7, 3:7, 0:3, 7:7).<"29>"

Tournament situation.

American football conference: "Philadelphia Iglz" - 3 victories - 0 defeats, "State of Minnesota Vikingz" - 4-0, "Atlanta Felkons" - 3-1, "Seattle Sikhoks" - 3-1, "Dallas Kovboyz" - 3-1, "Los Angeles Rems" - 3-1, "Green Bay Pekers" - 2-1, "New Dzhaynts York" - 2-2, "Washington D.C. Redskins" - 2-2, "Arizona Kardinals" - 1-3, "Carolina Panters" - 1-3, "Detroit Lyons" - 1-3, "the New Orleans of Seynts" - 1-3, "San Francisco the 49th" - 1-3, "Chicago Bearz" - 1-3, "Tampa Baye Bakkenirs" - 1-3.

National football conference: "Denver Bronkos" - 4-0, "Pittsburgh Stilerz" - 3-1, "New Inglend Petriots" - 3-1, "Baltimore Reyvens" - 3-1, "Oklend Reyders" - 3-1, "Huston Teksans" - 3-1, "Buffalo Billz" - 2-2, "Cincinnati Benglz" - 2-2, "San Diego Chardzhers" - 1-2, "Kansas City Chifs" - 1-2, "Indianapolis Kolts" - 1-3, "Tennessee Taytens" - 1-3, "New York Dzhets" - 1-3, "Jacksonville Dzhegers" - 1-3, "Miami Dolfins" - 0-3, "Cleveland Brauns" - 0-3.<"39>"