The Chinese scientists 40 years later again found the most rare plant - the intra Mongolian barley

@IA Sin'hua
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of Hohhot, 3 October/Xinhua / - In the autonomous area Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia in the north China later was again revealed 40 years the most rare plant - the intra Mongolian barley/hordeum innermongolicum/. For the first time this cereal was found by the known botanist Liu Shurun in 1975. It was succeeded to find it once again only this summer. And only one bush was found.

"This cereal grows on roadsides of roads, to find it in the depth of the steppe even more difficult. Because of increase in number of cars and expansion of roads the area of growth of this plant appeared under the threat", - one of participants of expedition on search of the intra Mongolian barley Tszyun Syuy from Agricultural university told Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia. Participants of expedition managed to find a plant in the remote district - in Baoged's mountains in the southwest from Big Hingan. the Sample of a plant was sent to p by

to Agricultural university Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia. The other day experts confirmed that the found plant is the intra Mongolian barley. Tszyun Syuy notes that on the importance for science and on extent of protection this cereal can be compared to a big panda.

B 1999 the intra Mongolian barley was brought by p in the list of the wild plants which are under special protection of the state, it treats the plants which are under protection of the second category. Now scientists are faced by a task of preservation of habitat of growth of this plant, the find also will give an impetus to new researches in this area.