The new season of the championship on basketball among women's teams starts Russia on Saturday

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Moscow, 1 Oct - Agency Sports News 'R-sports', Dyachkova Helena. the Championship Russian Federation on basketball among women's teams in which in a season-2016/17 11 clubs will take part, starts on Saturday four matches. The invariable winner of national championship for the last eight years UMMC from Yekaterinburg will open campaign by exit game against" Vologda-Chevakaty ".

In comparison with last season the number of the clubs participating in a premier league of the championship Russian Federation, was reduced by one – the Ivanovo "Energy" which had financial problems throughout the past superiority, could not find means for performance in league. While in Ivanovo are concentrated on keeping basketball school for children and young people, and the professional team in inter-season period was disbanded.

Stable UMMC

All other clubs which acted in an elite division in last season, kept a registration in a premier league is UMMC, " Nadezhda " (Orenburg region)," Dynamo " (Kursk)," Sparta and To " (Vidnoye), MBA (Moscow), "Dynamo" (Novosibirsk region)," Yenisei " (Krasnoyarsk territory), "Vologda-Chevakata" (Vologda), "Dynamo" (Moscow), " Spartak " (Noginsk) and" Kazanochka " (Kazan).

Head coach of team of UMMC Olaf Lange
of © Information company "RIA Novosti". Biyatov Eugenie the clubs representing Russian Federation in Euroleague – UMMC, "Hope" and Kursk "Dynamo" will be to Pass into photobank
the Head coach of team of UMMC Lange Olaf in the forthcoming season traditionally. The unconditional favourite of a starting season UMMC, possessing powerful structure which besides did not undergo changes in inter-season period looks. The head coach of "foxes", in a season-2015/16 won Euroleague, there was a German Lange Olaf .

In anticipation of season start the club from Yekaterinburg won a house Cup of UMMC, and acting without the players occupied in female NBA. Belyakova Eugenie and Christie Toliver still participate in fight for a victory in league, playing in WNBA semi-final for "Los Angeles", and Taurazi Diane and Britney Grayner – for "Phoenix". Thus, all four start of a season to Russian Federation will pass." Atlanta" which part Sancho Littl is , took off from draw five days ago, having conceded in the second round a playoffs, and Emma Messeman and her "Washington" could not break through in rounds on a departure.

Updated "Hope" and "Dynamo"

the Silver prize-winner of the championship Russian Federation and Euroleague "Hope" will begin a new season with the same trainer – Spaniard Roberto Iñigues. In inter-season period the line-up underwent serious changes: it was left by Devanna Bonnaire, Kruz  Anna, Makbrayd Kayla, Robinson Angelica, Kirillova Alena and Psareva Varvara. From last year's structure in club remained only Anoykina Natalia, Zhedik Natalia, Zhosselina Mayga, Beglova Helena and Shilova Anastasiya. The left players in the Orenburg team were succeeded Sapova Ludmila, Petrushina Tatyana, by Christina Ouvina, Amanda Bazokou, Williams Elizabeth and Mitchell Tiffani.

of © Information company "RIA Novosti". Lisitsyn Pawel <=" _ blank" href = ""> to Pass with a target into photobank
the Head coach of "Fenerbahçe" Roberto Inyiges
Yeshche one applicant for medals Kursk "Dynamo" in inter-season period also did not avoid personnel shifts. First of all, the team had a new trainer – the known expert Loukas Mondelo heading the national team of Spain. Structure legionaries to Yekabsone Aneta abandoned, Kharding Lindsi, Enden Miyem, Frida Eldebrink and Simon Ogastus, and also Russians Sapova Ludmila and Osipova Irina. Remained as a part of Epifanni Prins and MVP of the current season of WNBA of Ogvumike Nnemkadi, and also Vidmer Tatyana and Levchenko Xenia. Russians Vadeeva Maria, Kirillova Alena, Logunova Anastasiya, Medvedeva Victoria and Dorosheva Veronica, and also legionaries Elena Siac, Kruz  Anna and Endzhel Makkatri became beginners of "Dynamo".

the Regular season of the championship Russian Federation will pass p on circular system and will last prior to the beginning of March. On its results in a playoffs there are eight strongest teams. A final series to two victories has to come to the end not later than May 1, after all in June many basketball players of the Russian clubs should participate in the European championship-2017 which will take place to Czech Republic.

Eugenie Biyatov
Last position: Press photographer (MIA "RUSSIA SEGODNYA")
Brittni Ivett Grayner
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball
Zhosselina Mayga
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (KGOO "BQ "Dinamo")
Natalia Anoykina
Last position: The athlete - the professional on basketball (KGOO "BQ "Dinamo")
Helena Beglova
Last position: The athlete - the professional on basketball (ASSOCIATION "BQ "MANAGEMENT MACHINE-BUILDING MINING COMPANY")