In terrible road accidents in Venezuela 11 people were lost and suffered 24

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Near the Brazilian border turned over the passenger bus.

11 people died in terrible road accident in Venezuela and 24 suffered

of Karakos, on September 30. In the southeast of the Venezuelan staff Bolivar in terrible road accidents with participation of the passenger bus were lost 11 people and 24 more got varying severity wounds. About it on Friday evening reports information agency "RIA Novosti" with reference to France Presse agency.


In particular it is reported that the passenger two-storeyed bus on obscure while to the reasons, turned over in the area El-Sintilyo who Bolivar and Province of Santa Elena are near the Brazilian border between the Venezuelan cities.

thus, quote heads of regional municipality that the bus driver who remained is live, detained by police for clarification of the reasons of road accident.

Earlier on Friday of mass media reported that as a result road accidents with participation of the passenger bus in Venezuela were lost 11 and 14 people suffered.
