Kasperchak Henrik: "The purpose of Governorate of Tunis — to break through in a final stage of the World Cup"

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Kasperchak: . In group with Governorate of Tunis will play Lybia, DR Congo-Brazzaville and Guinea — much less eminent rivals, than "eagles of Carthage". the 70-year-old Polish team coach with the French nationality of Governorate of Tunis Kasperchak Henrik shared with opinion on chances of the remained 20 teams in a final selection round. "All know that in did not remain the weak national teams. Almost all best teams of the continent got chance to play five permits to the World Cup though we already missed one-two grandees".
Kasperchak Henrik considers by br all groups heavy:" If to speak about other groups, I would estimate some of them as very difficult. As I already told, now did not remain weak rivals who could be dismissed in advance. All matches will be important, and each point will be appreciated worth its weight in gold. In constantly there are surprises. Therefore it is necessary to treat each game with all gravity, and the victory will demand the maximum devotion".

Having a work most vast experience with the African national teams, Kasperchak Henrik considers that qualification on the Black continent has the features:" Here it is very difficult to find a universal key to success. Personally I do not agree that the destiny of permits to Russian Federation depends on the one who as will prove on departure. The points gathered on a visit, will be necessary, but the most important — to win all matches of the house. Those who will manage to achieve ideal result on the home field and at least time to win on departure, will gather 12 points. For successful performance of a task and the first place in group of it for 99% will be enough".

Analyzing lot results, Kasperchak Henrik agrees with the majority of experts:" It is simple to guess that in group where play Province of Alger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Zambia, rivalry is necessary the sharpest. However it is necessary also to participants of group where gathered Côte d'Ivoire, Morocco, Gabon and Mali not less difficult. And other groups do not look lungs. First of all it concerns a quartet Senegal, South Africa, Burkina Faso and Cape Verde and the last group where the lot sent Egypt, Ghana, Congo-Brazzaville and Uganda — too not a gift. At such level of matches through passage will not be, after all the permit to Russian Federation will be received by only one national team from each group".

"In my opinion, to us got not such difficult group, as the rest. If we got into group B, C, D or E, our prospects would look much less iridescent. Here all in our hands. Lybia, Congo-Brazzaville and Guinea are capable to give DR surprises, and I would not began to call the favourite in advance. Our purpose it is necessary former — to break through in a final stage of the World Cup".
the Additional benefit of Governorate of Tunis can become that Lybia will accept "Carthago eagles" on a neutral field without support of the fans because of unstable situation in the country. However, the head coach of the national team of Governorate of Tunis does not consider this factor essential:" I do not think that this circumstance will negatively affect game of Libyans, after all football players of this team already got used to that they should act at foreign stadiums. It is possible not to doubt that Libyans will direct in the field all efforts to avoid the disappointments which have fallen to their lot in the past. But after all our difficulties are not limited to one Lybia: departures to Region of Conakry (the capital Guinea) and in DR Congo-Brazzaville too do not promise to be easy walks".

After ChM-2006 to Germany "Carthago eagles" could not break through in world elite, having passed the Republic of South Africa-2010 and Brazil-2014. Now the people of Governorate of Tunis with hope wait for decisive matches for the right to go to Russian Federation. Kasperchak Henrik fully realizes importance of the mission:" Governorate of Tunis did not get very long ago on the World Cup. The present team has fine opportunity to return the country on a proscenium of world soccer. We became stronger — our interlocutor summed up. — we have more solid collective. Yes, we conceded to Liberia in qualification of the Cup of the African nations but after that coped with Mauritania and are full of determination to achieve success in group".