Fund of future generations the team of young professionals operates

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this year the head of a trust fund of future generations was appointed by a href Mestnikov Sergei , before this appointment Mestnikov Sergei worked as the first deputy minister of the property relations of the republic. What exchanged with arrival of new team to Fund?

Mestnikov Sergei , often simply does not reach many inhabitants of the republic full information on Fund activity, that it is directed on the benefit of each resident of Yakutsk. For the present day the basic principles of work of Fund are cardinally reconsidered. In what these updatings?

Yes, in February of this year when I came to Fund of future generations, our team was faced by a task completely to reformat activity, to make it more available and transparent.

Mestnikov Sergei and before leading Supreme council of fund. Before such program document was not and activity of fund was corrected occasionally. More such will not be. Now all of us painted with a program and target method where all indicators are specified, and all our activity will judge both the public, and Government respubliki, and our Supreme council. As of September we implemented the year plan for 70-80% so, results of year will be good for Fund.

We also seriously reconsidered organizational structure, there were reductions. We managed to protect new structure in the Supreme council of Fund, and now it completely answers those to the aims and tasks which we pursue.

I third – we for bigger transparency created Public council where representatives and construction branches, both culture, and health care and, certainly, representatives of the public of the republic entered. They will have full access to all information on Fund activity.

We also expanded with p the activity, created the Resource center which is aimed at support of the socially oriented NPOs which activity often in many respects depends on quality of legal, financial advice.

I yes, we began p with the simplest – removed magnetic locks on a building floor where Fund offices are located.

— What mechanism of replenishment of Fund?

— PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT STOCK COMPANY "ALROSA" in 2012 the Agreement on social and economic development Works with the signed Government respubliki with the company. According to it PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT STOCK COMPANY "ALROSA" annually makes the target donations directed on improvement in the social and economic sphere. Till 2015 it were 521 million rubles, at the beginning of 2016 there was an indexation and now this sum makes 584 million rubles. The diamond company very carefully fulfills the obligations under this agreement, showing an example of socially responsible business.

We also participate in receiving subsidies and the grants distributed from federal and republican budgets so it is some sources of replenishment of Fund, but I will repeat – the largest partner of Fund is PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT STOCK COMPANY "ALROSA".

— whether And other subsoil users are ready to go on similar agreements?

With subsoil users there is a work with Goskomgeologiya's participation, Minprom respubliki, documents – work very scrupulous prepare. We expand number of the partners – for example though it and not the subsoil user, PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB" bank became our partner in the joint project "Happy Childhood".

— it is A lot of mentions of the Supreme council of Fund – who enters it?

Argunov Pawel . Today, as 90% of our work are a building of social objects, such management of Fund is justified. Into council also enter the deputy minister of the property and land relations of the republic Velikikh Valery , the deputy minister of finance Nikonova Oktyabrina , the deputy minister of economy Savvinov Daniila . These are all young professionals on whom the leaders of the republic stake, and today they the recommendations and councils very much help with organization activity.

— 90% of activity of Fund are connected by p with building of social objects. What it for objects?

the largest object which we finish next year — the children's rehabilitation center on 150 places of day visit and on 100 beds stationary, Yakutsk. The financing sum on this object — more than 700 million rubles. Now there is the second stage of construction. The object turns on the main case, hotel, a stable, warm parking. Stable – at all luxury goods: many kids pass a gippoterapiya – treatment of various cornerstone at the heart of which riding is. Object simply vital. This year object under construction the deputy visited Ministry work and social protection of the Russian Federation Vovchenko Aleksey . He emphasized that the rehabilitation center unique, and can quite become interregional. So, we try and for other regions Russian Federation.

this year we leased a house for medics in ulus Mirninsky – 70 apartments. Workers of health care had an opportunity to improve the living conditions. Same year we began construction of modular hospital in Batagaye is for northerners there will be some kind of local medical center, with equipment and qualification of the personnel is not worse than the capital. Already just today-tomorrow we will put into operation the sleeping case of a boarding school of football school in Neryungri. In ulus Abyysky construction of high school is begun, there is a reconstruction of the sleeping case in the Nyurbinsky rehabilitation center.

— Mestnikov Sergei , than you would like to celebrate anniversary on a post of the head of Fund of future generations?

the Large-scale strategic document we already accepted strong. This already great achievement which defines our reference points. We also have to achieve efficiency of use of our means – and now indicators quite good, but there is no limit to perfection of use of our assets – deposits, real estate. They have to bring the maximum profitability for Fund that this income was directed on our authorized purposes. I consider it probably. the Main assessment to us, our activity the public gives to

p. And one of indicators of efficiency of our work – increase of trust of the population. In implementation of our programs public involvement – maksimalnoye.

Oktyabrina Nikonov
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Pavel Argunov
Main activity:Official
Aleksey Vovchenko
Main activity:Official
Valery Velikikh
Last position: First deputy chairman of the board, board member (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "ALMAZERGIENBANK")
Mestnikov Sergei
Main activity:Mining
Government respubliki
Government Agency
Minprom respubliki
Government Agency