Paund Richard: "Bubka Sergei and Vertkheyn understand nothing in fight against a dope"

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the Ex-head of WADA Paund Richard answered criticism from the president of the Olympic committee Argentina Gerardo Vertjeyna and the member of executive committee International Olympic Committee (International Olympic Committee) Bubka Sergei. Earlier the Ukrainian declared that the agency because of the inefficiency loses trust of pure athletes.

– In my opinion, it is similar to the attempt planned in advance to pay attention from Russian Federation, – quotes insidethegames Paund Richard. – Vertkheyn and Bubka Sergei in general understand nothing in anti-doping system. Problem not that WADA badly does the work, and that to agency too long refused to allocate the necessary sum. At us never was opportunities to make full-scale investigation till 2015. to Say p to

that WADA had to begin investigation in 2010, – nonsense. Then we had no necessary information so we too strongly would risk if set business in motion. To deal with 206 countries from budgets in 30 million dollars, frankly speaking, it is ridiculous.

of Bubka Sergei: "The latest events result in absence of trust from pure athletes to WADA" //
Structure of WADA can change because of appeals to discharge Russian Federation from the Olympic Games