To Germany the known composer Republic of Bashkortostan died

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Ufa, 28 Sep, 2016. /IA "Bashinform", Aralbaeva Leila/.

In Hamburg (Germany) on the 77th year of life the known composer and the teacher who much has made for development of the Bashkir musical culture — Zemtsov Eugenie Nikolaevich died. "All of us are his pupils, it gave all of us fine Moscow school. Be based with the world, dear Teacher" — wrote on the page to social networks the Bashkir composer Khasanshin Azamat.

Zemtsov Eugenie Nikolaevich — the composer, the teacher, the honored worker of arts of BASSR, the member Union of composers of USSR. Was born in Rasskazovo Tambov region on August 27, 1940. Graduated from composer faculty of Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name of P. I. Tchaikovsky. From 1972 to 1989 was the associate professor of composition of the Ufa state institute of arts. In its class the Bashkir composers who subsequently have made glory of musical art of the republic — Sabitov Rustem, Nizametdinov Salavat, Khasanshin Azamat and others studied. Zemtsov Eugenie Nikolaevich was the vice-chairman of Board of the Union of composers of BASSR. Since 1989 Zemtsov Eugenie Nikolaevich worked in Moscow and abroad, lived in Dresden and Hamburg.

Zemtsov Eugenie Nikolaevich — the author of the opera "Exile" (on J. To Byron), cantatas "Earth of the Freedom-loving", symphonies, "The Bashkir diptych" for a chamber orchestra, vocal cycles on verses Lermontov M., A. Fet, A. Blok and others, sonatas for a violin and a piano, a string quartet, tool plays, compositions for chorus "Three chants", "Four Russian songs", "Seasons", "Eight Russian songs" and "A small triptych" for children's chorus.

Leila Aralbaeva
Zemtsov Eugenie Nikolaevich
Khasanshin Azamat
Nizametdinov Salavat