Source: SSJ-100 Egypt will discuss after aircraft service renewal with Russian Federation

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the Question of deliveries of the Russian Sukhoi SuperJet-100 Egypt will be discussed after aircraft service renewal between Russian Federation and Egypt, reported the source close to the producer of SSJ-100 JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GSS" (GSS).

"The question of deliveries of the SSJ-100 planes to the Egyptian airlines will be discussed by b after aircraft service renewal with Egypt", – told a source information agency "ITAR-TASS" .

Earlier on Monday in the press service of MAK (POPPY) reported that Egypt issued the certificate on the Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 (RRJ-95B) plane. In fact it means that the Egyptian airlines will be able to operate this model of the plane.

In June the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Arab Republic of Egypt Kabil Tarik <= "" target =" _ blank"> declared to a href that the conclusion of new contracts for delivery of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) planes directly depends on renewal of the Russian tourist's stream to Egypt.

Earlier JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GSS" (GSS) announced deliveries of 12 SSJ100 liners of EgyptAir airline. In February Manturov reported that Russian Federation and Egypt discuss possibility of delivery of EgyptAir airline to 40 Sukhoi Superjet 100 planes.

the Sukhoi Superjet 100 – the Russian short range passenger airliner. The first flight made in May, 2008, is brought into commercial operation in 2011. The largest operator of these planes to Russian Federation is PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT". The plane is calculated on transportation of passengers on distance approximately to 4,4 thousand kilometers. The catalog cost of the liner in the basic version makes 36 million dollars.

Meanwhile, the relations with Egypt and in other areas of economy are improved. On Monday it became known that Federal Veterinary And Phytosanitary Monitoring Service will remove a ban for import of a number of vegetables and fruit from Egypt. Such decision is made after statements Egypt on requirement cancellation about "a zero ergot" when importing the grain.