In South Korea and North Korea at the same time started an air show

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On combination of circumstances the Southern and North Korea at the same time began carrying out the international air shows. It is remarkable that both actions anyway contain implication of the prevention Seoul and Pyongyang each other.

First in the history of North Korea the international air show started div today in Kalm's airfield of Wonsan in the province Kanvon that in the East of the country. Action carries the official name "The International Air Festival of Friendship in Wonsan".

the Main characters well-known to Russians. The Air Force which was on arms took part in flight North Korea MiG-29, 25, 21, 19 and 17.

Foreign mass media which also were present on action, paid attention to the shown helicopters of the American production Hughes MD-500 which, despite sanctions of United States of America, North Korea somehow managed to buy through the third countries.


As are considered by experts in spite of the fact that an air show North Korea planned and announced in advance, this action Pyongyang wants to show that the international restrictions did not affect in any way North Korea, and its military and air forces are completely ready to fight despite hearings about shortage of fuel.

In the same day not so far from Wonsan, but on other party from the interkorean border on the basis of the Air Force of United States of America in South Korean Osana also were started by Air Power Day 2016 air show. Fighting and transport vehicles of South Korea and United States of America. The highlight of the program was the Air Force strategic bomber of United States of America B-1B which a few days ago arrived here from Guam, previously together with other same plane having flown by along the interkorean border. According to the statement of Ministry defenses South Korea, this action became the prevention to Pyongyang which carried out recently the next nuclear tests.

Besides a bomber all kinds of planes and helicopters which the Air Force of the South has and the Air Force of United States of America in South Korea took part in an air show practically: S-17, KT-1, TA-50, A-10, F-16, E-737, T-50, KT-1, F-4E, KF-16, F-15K, F-5, CN-235, HH-47, HH-60. The part of these cars executed in the sky before the audience of an aerobatic maneuvre.

of the Air show both in Northern, and in South Korea two days will last and will come to the end on Sunday, September 25.


Today during a local air show in the South Korean district Taean County the S2B light airplane was wrecked. The 49-year-old pilot operating it died during transportation by helicopter in hospital.

of the Cause of the tragedy it become clear br. This air show was dated for opening in a campus of university of Hanso of the flight center.