Hackers laid out the fifth part of data about accepting a dope sportsmenakhgruppa hackers of Fancy Bear published the fifth part of data

@RBK Sport
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Photo: imago sportfotodienst/Globallookpress.com"> Photo: imago sportfotodienst/Globallookpress.comGruppa of hackers of Fancy Bear published the fifth part of data from cracked before base Agency). In the new list names of 41 more athletes which accepted the forbidden substances from a permission an agentstvanovy portion of data on the athletes accepting forbidden substances with the consent of Agency, on the site the group of hackers of Fancy Bear published on September 23. Hackers publish data from the cracked base of Agency already for the fifth time.
Nino Shurter
Last position: The professional athlete on highway cycle races
Galeno Rapp
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Timo Boll
Last position: The professional athlete on table tennis
Olimpiysky committee