KDK FUR transferred meeting in the matter of Mikhail Danilovich Gershkovich at its request - Arthur Grigoryants

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The Control and Disciplinary Committee (CDC) FUR transferred meeting at which possible violation of disciplinary regulations FUR the chairman of INTERREGIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "ASSOCIATION OTECHESTVENNYKH TRENEROV PO FUTBOLU" had to be considered (OOTF), the member of technical committee FUR Mikhail Danilovich Gershkovich, at his request, the chairman of KDK reported FUR Arthur Grigoryants.
Mikhail Danilovich Gershkovich
Last position: Chairman (Regional non-governmental organization "Association otechestvennykh trenerov po futbolu")
Arthur Grigoryants
Last position: Chairman of Control and disciplinary committee (FUR)
Kurban Berdyev
Main activity:Official
Valery Gazzaev
Main activity:Politician
Sergei Pryadkin
Last position: Adviser for work with the European leagues, clubs and forum of world leagues (UEFA)
Main activity:Culture and sports
Regional non-governmental organization "Association otechestvennykh trenerov po futbolu"
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations