Near a bus stop the man is to death brought down: the driver disappeared

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Near a bus stop the man is to death brought down: the driver disappeared
of Foto: LETA
Police asks to respond witnesses of accident in Kazdange (edge Ayzputes) where the driver of the car brought down the person and left from a scene. About it reports the press center of Kurzemsky regional government of police.

As Kurzemes vards", on September 12, at 21.45 in the Kazdangsky volost notes "Municipality of Aizpute, at a bus stop of "Kazdanga", on Skrund Highway carriageway — Aizpute the brought-down pedestrian — the man, 1934 rozhd was found. which on a scene died.

the Driver of the car who brought down the man, from a scene disappeared, without having reported about it in police and emergency medical service service. The police excited criminal trial and asks to respond the autodriver who has brought down the man, and also eyewitnesses who could provide any useful information about an event.

the Request to call on ph. 634 04602 or 634 04502 or to report to the address anonimi@kurzeme or to address in the nearest office of police.