Vitseprezident United States of America Joe Biden warned Kiev that EU can remove sanctions about Russian Federation

@Pervyj kanal
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Plokhiye news to the operating Ukrainian power. The vice-president of United States of America Joe Biden actually delivered them the ultimatum. He declared: or Kiev will start carrying out long ago the promised economic and political reforms, or all become witnesses as EU will refuse sanctions concerning Russian Federation. As "Reuters" reports, Joe Biden admitted — Washington D.C. should press to Germany, France and Italy, convincing them the management to adhere to sanctions policy. Representatives World Bank declared p to

- prospects of development of the Ukrainian economy remain weak. The public debt of the country this year will practically be made even to the gross domestic product size. The country population pays for errors of the management.

Than more than Ukraine is given the money, that touch its population tightens belts. The western partners promise million dollars to Kiev for reforms according to their scenario.

Since September 1 in Ukraine were raised by tariffs for the electric power on the average for 30 percent. Raised already for the fourth time in a year. And it apart from, that rose in price earlier gas, water and heating. The debt for utilities in the country more than 13 billion hryvnias, or is more than 30 billion rubles. The country pays for the credits with so-called economically reasonable tariffs.

Corruption scandals against news about the next taken credit irritate with p the population even more, than new receipts. Suspiciously expensive apartment of the deputy of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Leshchenko is discussed by some weeks. Five years ago for the sake of the eight-story elite house in the center Kiev demolished a playground and cut century trees. Now the cost of square meter here is more than two thousand dollars, but Leshchenko Rada were very lucky the deputy: on the 6th floor he bought the four-room apartment at a discount. Gave for it seven and a half million hryvnias (okolo19 million rubles). Here only with a present deputy salary had to save for this apartment Leshchenko Rada about 36 years, that is since the most birth.

the Young deputy, in the past the journalist who often and rigidly wrote about corrupt officials to the authorities, assures that for elite housing saved up, part borrowed at the colleague, and a third of the sum was brought allegedly by the girlfriend. Probably, highly paid Kiev DJ.

From where money, asks today not only at Leshchenko Rada. At walls of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine entirely novelties and elite cars. All of them if to trust declarations, allegedly do not belong to deputies. Parking near Leshchenko Rada expensive foreign cars, from a tribune deputies continue to assure that are honest with the people and almost as are poor.

At the leader All-Ukrainian Union "Batkivshchyna" (Fatherland) Yulia Tymoshenko are not present p neither the car, nor the apartment. Lives allegedly for one deputy salary and thus regularly defiles in parliament with a branded bag for which saved not less than half a year. In full rigging the other day Yulia Tymoshenko appeared and in Lviv where unlike her people it is better for steel to live not.

"I the first time heard p from lvovyan that they accuse democratic forces, which today in power. And that if are not capable to operate – go, return that power which did better for people, and do not scoff", - Yulia Tymoshenko told.

Differently as mockery cannot call

and recent scandal with electronic declarations. In principle anyone can look at them, and if something happens - and anonymously to inform on the forgetful official. But did not pass also month since the beginning of work of system as it decided to change. One of the richest women Ukraine, the deputy and the millionaire Donets Tatyana is afraid for property and not to give aiming to robbers, suggests to withdraw declarations from the general access.

"At existing corruption system, clan and oligarchical system, in Ukraine, of course, officials will go to any ways and means not to allow leakage of their financial data in the Internet, in open access. If the former power worked for the Ukrainian economy, now, in the conditions of the hardest economic crisis and reduction of food supply for oligarchs, the thieves bred, and steal frankly, hesitating of nobody, being afraid of nobody, having lost any sense of proportion and the conscience remains", - the political scientist Pirozhenko Victor speaks.

Simplification of a visa regime in exchange for honest officials. Open electronic declarations are generally the requirement EU where Ukraine so aspires. But deputies are, seemingly, ready to kill eurodream for the sake of which in the country arranged a coup d'etat if only not to show, how many really earn.