The longest in the world a wave for surfing in Chicama, Peru (12 photos)

@Delovoj Ejsk
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the Small coastal city of Puerto Chicama (Puerto Chicama), in the northwest Peru, is a place where the long are formed and the most ideal in the world left-side waves.

the Wave here lasts almost on 2,2 km from "point" — the isolated rocky ledge which the wave — to a long pier on the empty coast where the wave comes to an end faces. Locals confirm that all this distance it is possible to sweep on one wave. All cape about which waves break, to their most western point makes in length of 4 km though still nobody rode a wave all this distance.
The longest in the world a wave for surfing in Chikam, Peru (12 photos)
Infinite series of the left-side reduced — an everyday occurrence in Chicama. "If you fall or rest will be necessary to you, simply wait for the following wave which follows, and you again on a crest! It is dream! " – the Australian surfer Ben Herrgott (Ben Herrgott) speaks.
The longest in the world a wave for surfing in Chikam, Peru (12 photos)
Serfersky potential Chicama was for the first time found in 1965 by the Hawaiian surfer Shipman Chak (Chuck Shipman). According to a legend, Shipman Chak looked in a plane window when noticed incredibly long left-side wave (depending on the direction in which waves break from the point of view of the surfer riding a crest, they happen left-side, right-hand and peak when the wave is closed at the same time in both parties). He asked the pilot on this place and as soon as reached State of Hawaii, studied the big detailed map Peru and defined couple of perspective capes. The longest in the world a wave for surfing in Chikam, Peru (12 photos)
Then Shipman Chak wrote br to the friends to Peru and asked them to investigate the northwest coast. The first attempt to find the soil road unmarked on the card was unsuccessful, but later other group of surfers found a way to perspective spot surf (to a place where there is a wave). Since then Chicama became the popular direction among fans of surfing. The longest in the world a wave for surfing in Chikam, Peru (12 photos)
the Wave in Chicama shares br on some parts. The most external cape ("point") is called as "Malpaso" ("Malpaso"), from it the wave breaks approximately throughout 150 meters. The following acting sea braid towards the city is called "Keys" ("Keys"), and the wave from it breaks 600 more meters before breaking deeply. Then there is "Cape" ("the Point") waves from which break throughout nearly a kilometer and are considered as the best part of a wave. And, at last — "El Jombre" ("El Hombre"). Waves usually are not connected but when height reduced exceeds 6 foots (1,83 m) that happens quite seldom, all way to a pier can be passed on one wave. The trip can last from 3 to 5 minutes — the whole eternity for the surfer.
The longest in the world a wave for surfing in Chikam, Peru (12 photos)
at the beginning of this year the legendary wave in Chicama became first-ever protected at the state level surf break ("surf break" — a natural obstacle in the sea, after a meeting with which the wave is formed in suitable for driving on surf) when Government Republics of Peru adopted the law forbidding any construction within kilometer from the line of the coast which can potentially affect a way of a collapse of waves along the coast. The government also plans to protect five more other waves. Eventually, the country hopes that in its territory there will be 130 protected waves.
The longest in the world a wave for surfing in Chikam, Peru (12 photos)

Source: Business Yeysk on materials of a site bugaga