International Olympic Committee intends to disband Agency

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International Olympic Committee the department of fight against corruption and a dope is going to create

(Kazan, on September 21, information agency "Tatar-inform"). International Olympic Committee () can disband International Olympic Committee because of a ban to the Russian athletes to participate in 2016 Summer Olympics, is written by Rambler News with reference to newspaper "The Guardian".

International Olympic Committee the department of fight against corruption and a dope is going to create

, having assumed thus the most part of functions of Agency.

Idea on the organization of such department were supported by the head of the Olympic committee Argentina Gerardo Vertjayn.

Vertkhayn noted that for it and remained not clear why Agency did not react to a situation with the Russian athletes earlier though with a dope it was known of a problem since 2010.

the President of Agency, the member International Olympic Committee Craig Ridi also supported change of a format of agency. However he noted that the probability of disbandment of Agency is small as under the authority of International Olympic Committee there is a check of athletes only at the Olympic Games.

Destiny of Agency members of anti-doping committee, also will discuss International Olympic Committee