10 actresses who could play Bond James

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the Epic about Bond James endures the next temporary crisis. Craig Daniel does not want to come back to a cycle, and producers are not sure, whether they want to return at any cost Craig Daniel or to start looking for the new agent 007. While this issue is resolved, in the western press even more often write that would be healthy if after so many movies about Bond James started leaving tapes about "Jane Bond", the female superspy. Who could replace Craig Daniel from women? Together with a portal Film.ru we remembered ten actresses who not bad would fit into a role of the agent 007.

10 actresses who could play James Bond James the bond, celebrities, cinema, the movie, the spy

the British star Vays Reychel specialize on drama roles, instead of fighting images, but she played in due time in two Mummies series. Also it was removed in "Born's Evolution", though there was no action character there. Anyway it is definitely enough charismatic to fit into a role of the clever and resolute woman which guards the civilized world. By the way, Vays Reychel it was involved in world politics till the birth. Her Jewish family left in time from nazi Germany, by miracle without having got to concentration camps.

9. Archie Pandzhabi

to the good British agent harmfully to seem Today the 100% Anglo-Saxon. After all many enemies of the western countries look absolutely differently. Therefore for some subject lines Jane Bond performed by Archie Pandzhabi – the British actress of the Indian origin can appear the ideal candidate. At it a few essential roles at cinema, but she constantly shines on the small screen. For example, in series "Good Wife" of Pandzhabi perfectly played the female detective. Now it represents the employee of ANB in series "Blind Spot". Besides faultless British accent she can brag of ability to represent mysterious women who hide much more, than speak. It is useful for a role of the superspy.

8. Anderson Gillian

If Jane Bond can be the severe "age" heroine, instead of the agent in the prime of life, Anderson Gillian is ready to act though now. Though the star of "Confidential materials" was born in United States of America, in the childhood it lived on two countries, in State of Michigan and London. Therefore it still then mastered English accent. It even teased because of it at the American school. Now Anderson Gillian constantly lives in London, and she assures that feels like rather a British, than the American. It has an experience of game of representatives of intelligence services, and she would like to play Jane Bond. As a last resort she can receive M.'s role

7. Len Khidi Emiliya Khidi Clark from series "Game of Thrones" declared recently that would like to play Jane Bond. However we would be simpler to believe in Jane Bond if it played Len Khidi, the senior workmate Clark on "Game of thrones". Let's remind that to the image Sersei Lannister the native of Bermuda was Sara Connor in series "Terminator: Fight for the future". There is in its filmography and others an action role. Besides, Emiliya Khidi on age, than Clark approaches more.

6. Naytli Kira

the youngest actress in our list, Naytli Kira now is not involved in one known franchize, both this annoying and strange omission. Really the star of "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea" is interesting only to directors of arthouse tapes? Certainly, 31-year-old Naytli Kira is not suitable for a role highly experienced Jane Bond but if to restart a cycle, that is to begin sense with the beginning, with the first steps of Ms. Jane Bond in investigation. Then Naytli Kira will be able to register in series for years and even decades. Though the British does not look as the master of martial arts, she happened to play an action role. Not only in "Pirates", but also in "King Arthur" and in "Dominoes".

5. Hailey Etvell

We learned a surname of the British beauty Hailey Etvell when she played the leading female role in the komiksny blockbuster "First Avenger". Time jump prevented the Captain to continue the affair with Peggy Carter in the subsequent series of its adventures, but the Marvel studio allocated Etvell a "solo" TV series "Agent Carter" who held on two seasons. Though this show did not become rather popular, Etvell in it was not guilty. It very convincingly looked as the British superspy without superabilities. Besides, she in 2012 declared in interview that would like to play Jane Bond.

4. Bekinseyl Kate

the Graduate of Oxford who speaks Russian, in French and in German? Even if at Bekinseyl Kate would not be behind shoulders an action cycle "Other world", its excellent education and sharp mind in combination with model beauty would be enough to write down it in potential Bonds. And if "Other world" mainly demanded from it speed in fighting scenes, "Bondiana" also can involve drama talent Bekinseyl Kate both its linguistic abilities and knowledge. Suddenly with it it will be possible to shoot the "Bond" movie about Russian Federation which would not seem an insult of our country?

3. Dzholi Angelina

Ten years ago, during "Casino Royale" shootings, Dzholi Angelina suggested to become the girl Jane Bond. Star "Kroft Larissa: Peculators of tombs" then answered that would like to play the most Jane Bond. And, as we remember, she really played a related role on spirit in the spy thriller "Solt" which was initially thought up counting on the male actor. And time Dzholi Angelina still one of the most known women on a planet, about the Agent 007 hardly will lose a cycle if Dzholi Angelina become Jane Bond. However, Dzholi Angelina – the American, instead of the Englishwoman. But, as we know on the cycle "Bridget Jones's Diary", accent – business reparable, and the American star can quite be entered in especially British project.

2. Charlize Theron

If concerning Theron's candidate could be earlier doubts, last year's "Mad Max: It is expensive to rage" them completely disseminated. The actress who excellently played Furiosa, almost for certain can cope with a role Jane Bond. "The Snow White and the hunter" also confirm that Theron can exhale threat even in the most womanly shape. Plus at the actress in the past "solo" an action role in the fantastic fighter "Eon Flaks". Yes, it was failure statement, but failure teaches success. Experience of fiasco can be useful to creation of successful cinema.

1. Blant Emily

When Favro John looked for the actress for a role of the Black Widow in "Iron Man 2", he wanted to employ the British Blant Emily. Yokhansson Skarlett the role, only received when it became known that Blant Emily undertook to play on "Gulliver's Travel". Whether the best recommendation is necessary? If it is necessary, pay attention to roles of Blant Emily in "A future side", in "The Snow White and the Hunter 2" and in "Murderer", and also to her work in drama and comic images. It is a universal British star which has everything to succeed in a role Jane Bond. Including congenital London accent.