The majority of inhabitants of the settlement near Voronezh which some years sit without water, elections boycotted

@Moe Online (Voronezh)
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The majority of inhabitants of the settlement near Voronezh which some years sit without water, boycotted elections Knyazeva Svetlana with signatures of fellows villager about a setting out of elections. Photo: Poprygin Roman.

Inhabitants of the settlement of Experimental Station of VNIIK Khokholsky District that in 20 kilometers from Voronezh, elections decided to boycott

. And, declared it officially. One of local residents Knyazeva Svetlana (by the way, mother of the known boxer Knyazev Andrey) the day before bypassed almost all houses of the settlement and suggested to subscribe under a peculiar petition. People express an authorities in power protest because it does not solve their problems. So 10 years locals sit every summer without water because of a shabby water tower. And even in the winter regularly disconnect electricity. As a result, 414 people subscribed that will not go to elections as they do not accept the present power.

As told journalists City portal "MINE! Online" Voronezh on a site 38/34 in the settlement, 151 persons from 734 voters according to the list voted at 15 o'clock. From them 34 — a portable ballot box. This appearance members WICK called at first normal, but then nevertheless recognized that it is lower, than it was expected. There expressed a regret that the inhabitant of the settlement called fellows villager for boycott of elections. According to them, Knyazeva Svetlana such methods all the same will achieve nothing. After all elections will be recognized taken place even if 1 person comes to a site.

according to locals, they addressed more than once and in administration of the rural settlement, and in management company, serving water tower (LLC "GKTS") that housing and communal services workers adjusted tower work. With big delays here repair the failing equipment. But such works all the same that instead of urgent operation on removal of a tumor to give to the cancer patient a tablet of the anesthetizing. Construction of a new powerful water tower (and it is better — two) can solve a problem of water supply of the settlement only.

— Three years ago we prepared the budgetary demand to enter any address investment program on water supply — the head of the Petinsky rural settlement Kanishchev Nicholas tells . — There is an order of the governor about research of opportunity to allocate money for hydrogeological researches because here it is necessary to find clear water still. We submitted an application. We wait. But to us while answer: money is not present …

B Regional department Housing AND Communal Services and power engineering specialists told us that design and surveying works on reconstruction of wells and water supply systems in the settlement worth 2,5 million rubles are included in the demand for receiving subsidies from regional budgets. This demand promised to include in the list of objects of 2017. Let's emphasize — it is a question only of hydrogeological researches. Then it will be necessary to look for money on construction of wells and networks. So to sit to peasants without water, probably, for a long time...

Poprygin Roman
Andrey Aleksandrovich Knyazev
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Knyazeva Svetlana
Poprygin Roman
Kanishchev Nicholas