Zilupe half a year gave to the mayor Agafonov Oleg to learn the Latvian language

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The mayor Zilupa Agafonovu was given half a year to learn the Latvian language
of Foto: LETA
the state language Center gave to the chairman of the Zilupsky regional thought Agafonov Oleg (Latgalsky party), level of which knowledge of Latvian does not conform to requirements, half a year on improvement of knowledge. Also to it the fine is applied, reports LETA. we Will remind div to

, after several unsuccessful attempts specialists of the Center of state language at last managed to check knowledge Agafonov Oleg, and check showed that they do not correspond to level which is required from the chairman of a thought. On August 18 on this fact the protocol on an administrative offense was made. The decision on business is planned to make within a month.

an Inspection of TsGYa carried out on the basis of the received complaints that Agafonov Oleg insufficiently well knows the Latvian language.

Agafonov Oleg — not the only politician in whom the state language Center became interested. At the beginning of summer the Center filed a lawsuit the claim against the deputy of the Daugavpils thought Vladislav Boyarun ("Latgalsky party") in connection with insufficient knowledge of state language. Inappropriate knowledge of the Latvian language by deputies of the Daugavpils thought Zaytsev Youri ("the Renaissance Daugavpils ") and Samarin Alexander ( TsS ) was recognized earlier.

Self-government allocated with p to each of them 2300 euros for increase of level of proficiency by a state language. But at repeated check the Center of state language concluded that Boyarun does not show progress in knowledge of the Latvian language. In turn, Samarin Alexander refused money, and later successfully underwent repeated testing for knowledge of a state language.

Agafonov Oleg
Boyarun Wladyslaw
Zaytsev Youri
Samarin Alexander
Latgalskaya partiya
Political ideology:Regionalism
Daugavpils city council
Government Agency