In the capital Udmurt Republic there took place the Fourth book festival "Read, Izhevsk!"

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In the capital of Udmurtia passed the Fourth book festival "Read, Izhevsk!" on September 9-11 in the capital Udmurt Republic the Fourth book festival "Read, Izhevsk! ", in three days it was visited by more than 12 thousand citizens.

- This festival gathered true fans of the book for whom all variety of the surprising world of reading is presented. The book for the person is a basis of knowledge, it is our history and even opportunity to glance in the future. The real classical literature will be not replaced by any modern technologies. All real fans of the book surely here will visit, - Tyurin Youri told Chapter Izhevsk.

The concept of a present festival was connected with a Year of the Russian cinema. "Chamber. Motor. We read! " - the festival motto. At cinema and literature - much in common. Both the cinema and literature is "imprinted time". At a festival citizens got acquainted with a genre variety of these types of arts.

The program included a book fair, film screenings, master classes on fast reading, the oratory, an open poetic microphone, quests, evening performances and concerts. For young citizens the playground worked with master classes, performances and competitions.

Known writers - the author of novels "The Geographer Spent on Drink the Globe", "Hostel on Blood", "Yoburg" Ivanov Aleksey, the author of books for children Kryukova Tamara, the native Izhevsk, the science fiction writer, one of authors of the popular book Patrols series Makarova Ludmila, the poet and the publisher from Saint Petersburg, the head, the editor-in-chief and the producer of Petersburg publishing house "Red Sailor" Sapego Mikhail and others became guests of honor of a festival.