The driver died in road accident on the route Riga — Bauska, five more victims are hospitalized

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The driver died in road accident on the route Riga — Bausk, five more victims are hospitalized Foto : Kadrs no video according to Gospolittion's press center, last Thursday, at 17.02 on the 28th km of the road Riga — Bauska — border Lithuania (Municipality of Baldone) faced VW Passat Variant which the man 1958 operated, and Vivaro at which wheel there was a woman 1961

as a result of road accident the driver of VW got fatal injuries and died. Passengers of both cars are taken to hospitals from a scene the injured driver of , and also: the man 1950, the woman of 1987 r, the boy 2012 and the girl 2006

of Circumstance of incident it become clear p.