To attention of mass media!

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To attention of mass media!

on September 18, 2016 – elections of deputies State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the seventh convocation and deputies Legislative assembly of Leningrad region the sixth convocation.

In the Uniform voting day on September 18, 2016 there will pass elections of deputies State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the seventh convocation and deputies Legislative assembly of Leningrad region the sixth convocation.

Besides, the next elections of deputies of Councils of deputies of Agalatovsky and Novodevyatkinsky rural settlements of the Vsevolozhsk municipal area, early elections of deputies of Council of deputies of the Priladozhsky city settlement of the Kirovsky municipal district, and also a by-election of deputies of Councils of deputies of a number of municipalities will take place on September 18.

About selective activity of citizens during the voting day on September 18, 2016 representatives of mass media can learn

in Lenoblizbirkom by phones: (812) 492-96-51, 492-96-34 as of the next reporting hours: 10.00 12.00, 15.00, 18.00 (information will be provided 15-20 minutes later specified time).

C 8.00 till 20.00 on the screen located in a conference room of Lenoblizbirkom (Saint Petersburg, Torzhkovskaya St., house 4), will be shown the card Leningrad Region on which information on opening of polling stations, on level of activity of voters on elections will be provided in a section of municipal areas, the city district, as of the above reporting hours. Submission of information on activity of voters on the screen will alternate with translation of actions of the Russian CEC Information center Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation about a course of the voting day in subjects Russian Federation.

Since zero hours on September 19 on the screen in Lenoblizbirkom's conference room will be also the card Leningrad Region with information on summing up vote in a section of one-mandatory constituencies which will be updated each hour is output. This information will alternate also with information translation from the Russian CEC Information center Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation.

Information on a course of summing up vote on precinct election commissions will be updated in an online mode in real time on a site Election Commission Leningrad oblast by (section "Elections and Referenda").

the Chairman Lenoblizbirkoma Zhuravlev V. P. in the voting day plans to visit a number of polling stations of the Vsevolozhsk municipal area.

B 15.30 18 of September in Lenoblizbirkom (Saint Petersburg, Torzhkovskaya St., house 4, Lenoblizbirkom's conference room) Zhuravlev V. will answer questions of representatives of mass media of a course of the voting day.

When planning visit Election Commission Leningrad oblast (Saint Petersburg, Torzhkovskaya St., house 4) on September 18 and 19 to the representative of mass media to it is necessary to have the passport and the editorial certificate. Contact persons in Lenoblizbirkom: Polyakova Victoria , ph.: 492-96-34, %2B79217582058 (from 7.30 till 20.00 on September 18), Zhuravlenko Olga , ph.: 496-40-06, %2B 79219131647 (from 20.00 on September 18).

By the invitation of information agency "ITAR-TASS" at 22.30 on September 18 Zhuravlev V. P. will address as

journalists and expert community within the Night of Elections project (Saint Petersburg, Shpalernaya St., house 37, litas. A).

on September 19 at 13.00 in the press center of the St. Petersburg regional information center of information agency "ITAR-TASS" (Saint Petersburg, Shpalernaya St., house 37, litas. And, ph.: 643-60-63) press conference the chairman Lenoblizbirkom Zhuravlev V. P., devoted to preliminary results of elections will take place.

Meeting Election Commission Leningrad oblast by definition of results of elections are planned by

for September 20, time will be specified in addition.