In Southwest China Chinese-Laotian doctrines on fight against terrorism took place

@IA Sin'hua
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Jinghong / Yunnan/, 13 September/Xinhua / - To Province of Yunnan / Southwest China / took place today the first joint anti-terrorist doctrines of police officers China and Laos.

B of the begun at 10:00 and proceeding 90 minutes doctrines 280 police officers from the Sishuanbanna-Daysky autonomous area of Province of Yunnan and Luangnamtkh's Laotian Province of Louang Namtha took part in total. Police officers involved 18 vehicles.

with assistance of robot planes and others tekhnicheskiyekh means them detained 11 "terrorists", 4 more were shot. Also 8 units of firearms, 4 knifes and 196 cartridges were taken, the Chinese police reported.

After doctrines of the party signed the memorandum of deepening of cooperation between police officers of two countries for disclosure of crimes on Chinese-Laotian border.