In the 6th city hospital enclosed 63 million more rubles

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of a name of the academician Koshelev V.N." received 63 276, 75 thousand rubles in addition to the current financing. Means arrived from Territorial FOMS.


As are reported by the Fund press service, for 2015-2016 already it was succeeded to carry out repair surgical, therapeutic, the ENT SPECIALIST, reception offices, to repair a roof of cases. But on it activities for updating of the 6th city hospital are not stopped. Today works on territory improvement are actively conducted, fracture clinic repair proceeds. With might and main work of the construction crews finishing repair work of facades of establishment is humming. Changes not only appearance of SGBK No. 6. Much attention was paid to improvement of quality of medical care of the population. For this purpose on 8 million. rubles from the allocated funds the necessary medical equipment was acquired, Besides, the part of the allocated funds was directed on repair of available iatrotechnics, preparation for a heating season, fire-prevention actions, acquisition and installation of system of the video surveillance necessary for providing due level of safety of patients.

" Not a secret that the condition of this was no time one of the best hospitals in the last 20 years in a depressing state, but thanks to an initiative of the governor Valery Radayev was succeeded to carry out a complex of actions for updating of the 6th city hospital and to bring her to qualitatively new level ", - the director of Fund of medical insurance Saukhin Andrey commented.
