Allergan got the portfolio company RBV Capital Fund

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Allergan got the portfolio company of RBV Capital Fund

the International pharmaceutical company Allergan got the private American company RetroSense Terapeutics, having acquired the global rights for the preparation RST-001 and other assets of companies, is reported in the press release of companies Allergan which has arrived in edition russian medical and social information agency "AMI".
RetroSense Terapeutics in 2015 acted as One of leading investors venture Fund RBV Capital created with participation of the capital of RVK and <0> Group "R-Farm" , the leading Russian private pharmaceutical companies.

the International pharmaceutical company Allergan got at the private American biotechnological companies RetroSense Terapeutics the global rights for the preparation RetroSense Therapeutics RTS-001 even before end of the 1st stage of clinical tests. It confirms high relevance of the preparation created on the basis of gene therapy and opto-genetics, and the sight intended for restoration at the patients having pigmentary rhinitis and age makulyarny dystrophy. The sum of the first tranche of the transaction made $60 million, the subsequent payments, attached to passing of stages of clinical tests and an entry of a preparation into the market also are assumed.

Pigmentary retinit is a rare hereditary incurable degenerate disease which causes strong deterioration of sight and a blindness owing to defeat of photosensitive cells of a retina of an eye. Existing preparations only slow down process of loss of sight, but do not prevent it. Today from pigmentary retinita about 0,03-0,04% of the population of the globe suffer, to United States of America about 100 000 patients, to Russian Federation — about 50 000 people are.

RST-001 – the preparation first in a class on the basis of gene therapy and the opto-genetics, allowing to do photosensitive cells of a retina of an eye which did not possess before such ability. Basis for a preparation of companies became unique researches of scientists from Wayne State University and Massachusetts General Hospital. Technology companies allows to give a photosensitivity to ganglionarny cells of a retina of an eye at the patients who have gone blind because of a degeneration of standard photosensitive cages – sticks and flasks. In 2014 the preparation RST-001 received the orfanny status of FDA for treatment pigmentary retinita, in August, 2015 permission to clinical tests of the phase I/IIa was got, in March, 2016 clinical tests are begun, in August, 2016 company reported about successful dispensing of the first cohort of patients. Also in August, 2016 company acquired exclusive rights on the following generation of the opto-genetic preparations developed by the Nobel Prize laureate of Roger Y. Tsien from University San Diego.

the Preparation RTS-001 can appear an effective remedy for partial restoration of sight and at other diseases of eyes.

"The successful investment into company showed

to RetroSense Therapeutics that investment association as the form is not simply viable, but allows to invest successfully in early breakthrough projects worldwide. We return means to our dear investors and we hope to return even more in process of achievement by company the planned boundaries and receiving the following trenches of payments, stipulated in contract purchase and sale with company Allergan. We also hope that after completion of clinical trials technology will successfully enter the market and becomes available to patients worldwide, including to Russian Federation", – Aleksey Lvovich Konov, the member noted boards of directors companies RetroSense Therapeutics, the managing partner of RBV Capital Fund.

B to 2015 of RBV Capital became to - the leading of the V-round of investments at a stage of completion of preclinical researches, having enclosed about $2 million in RetroSense Therapeutics capital.

Venture fund RBV Capital under control of UK "Rusbio Venchurs" is created at the end of 2014 by professionals of the venture market with successful experience of domestic and international transactions in the field of biomedicine. The fund became the first large independent investment association created to Russian Federation. Fonda acts as the anchor private investor the leading Russian private pharmaceutical company JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "R-FARM".

JOINT-STOCK COMPANY"RVK" — the state fund of funds, development institute Russian Federation, one of key tools of the state in creation of national innovative system. Authorized capital of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY"RVK" makes more than 30 billion rubles of 100% of the capital of RVK Russian Federation in the person of Federal Agency for State Property Management belongs. The total of the funds created by JOINT-STOCK COMPANY"RVK", reached 21, their total size — 32,4 billion rubles. Share of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY"RVK" — 19,9 billion rubles. The number of innovative companies invested by RVK funds reached 196. The total volume of the invested means — 18,4 billion rubles. In 2015 of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY"RVK" creation of design office of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) — long-term strategy of technological developments the country directed on formation of the new global markets by 2035 is entrusted.