The driver's license in India can replace now the smartphone
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On the page on a social network of Twitter the minister of information technologies of India Ravi Shankar Prasad (Ravi Shankar Prasad) reported that in this country drivers can show to the staff of traffic police the smartphone instead of the driver's license.

for this purpose use special cloudy storage DigiLocker into which it is possible to load copies of the driver's license and the certificate on car registration. Then drivers have to install the DigiLocker application on the smartphone and connect it with the phone number. Service started working today, on September 7. In India the smartphone can replace now driver's licenses by

Sometimes it happens so that drivers leave the relevant documents at home, however for Indians now it not a problem because digital copies already began to be considered same valid, as well as original documents. Without smartphone today the house does not leave practically anybody so driver's licenses always will be with drivers.

the DigiLocker Service was started by P in India last year, he allows to store digital copies of diplomas and various documents for the identity card.

Source: Twitter