Rise in prices in the third turn of ZhK "River Park"

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ZhK ZhK "River Park"

the Builder LLC "Rechnikov Invest" declares the first rise in prices for apartments of the third turn of city quarter comfort class "the River Park" , under construction around Nagatinsky Zaton District. The cost of square meter increased on the average by 2 thousand rubles.

the Minimum budget of purchase makes 6,3 million rubles.

of Sale of the third turn of city quarter "the River Park", started in June, 2016. In realization three cases on the first line of the Moskva River with the best specific characteristics arrived. In only two months 39% of the presented volume of the offer were realized. In September the developer raised the prices by 2 thousand rubles for square meter. Now the minimum cost of one-room apartments begins from 6,3 million rubles, two-room – from 8,7 million rubles, three-room – from 14,6 million rubles. The average price of square meter made 189 225 rubles. The mortgage from several banks, among which Bank VTB 24 (Closed joint-stock company), Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia", Joint-stock commercial bank "Bank Moscow" (Open joint-stock company), Open joint-stock company "Promsvyazbank", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MOSKOVSKY CREDIT BANK", etc. works. The minimum rate on the credit begins from 11,4%.

Building of the third turn of ZhK "River Park" goes ahead of schedule for one and a half months: works are conducted at the level of 5-8 floors. Until the end of the year houses will be built all floors. Let's remind, cases have variable number of storeys from 9 to 15 floors. Input of the third turn in operation is planned for the 2nd quarter 2018.

"Rise in prices in the third turn of the project was planned, – Shvetsova Larissa, the director general of the JSC River Park company LLC "RIVER PARK" makes comments. – Despite good dynamics of sales and high speed of construction, we did not begin to correct cost considerably. The price of square meter increased on the average a little more, than by percent. From our party it became an anti-recessionary measure, after all, despite the outlined stabilization

of an economic situation, to speak about growth of solvency of the population still early. We do not allow discounts, but we provide to clients favorable instruments of purchase. In a housing estate payment by installments, a preferential mortgage from 11,4%, a delay for a maternity capital about three months therefore everyone can pick up the way of purchase most convenient to it works. Besides, apartments of different cost are presented to "the River Park" depending on a stage of construction readiness. Besides the third turn, which sale started only two months ago, clients can buy housing in already populated houses of the first stage or cases which will be leased in the middle of the next year. Besides, soon we will remove the additional volume of the offer therefore to pick up housing in our project it is possible for every taste and in the different budget".

"This summer for the first time since June, 2015 in a mass segment of capital real estate there was a situation refraction: the average price of square meter in three months grew by 4,1%, – Litinetskaya Maria, the managing partner "Metrium Group" notes. – The most part of builders also announced rise in prices in September. High consumer activity allowed developers to reconsider a pricing policy. There are all prerequisites for preservation of positive price dynamics at least until the end of the year while the state program of subsidizing of a mortgage rate works. Therefore those who plans real estate acquisition, should not postpone for a long time the transaction, after all the prices in liquid projects raise regularly".