As to the Samara student to go on foreign training

@Volga N'jus
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Training in prestigious foreign higher education institutions on an exchange stopped being long ago something special. Here and the Samara students are able to afford such adventure. But how to make it, and will cost how many this pleasure? Let's understand our today's review.

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Izuchayem lists

If you want to study span class in foreign higher education institution, for a start address in your Alma Mater. At many Samara universities special agreements with foreign colleagues are concluded, and it concerns both a bachelor degree, and a magistracy.

"At the Samara university concluded agreements on network master programs, - told Volga the News the chief department of mobility and recruiting Chursin Eugenie Chursin Eugenie. - Today in the program of double diplomas five foreign higher education institutions act as our partners: The Stuttgart university, Germany (engines of aircraft), university Vigo, Spain (radio engineering), Technological university Lappeenranta, Finland (mechatronics), Worcester polytechnical institute, United States of America (the PhD program in optics), Yuli Maksimilian's university, Germany (Russian and communications in the professional sphere), and also Almaty university of power and communication (space equipment and technologies)".

of SGEU in turn cooperates with the International university of applied sciences (Bud Honnef, Bonn Germany), the Higher school of commerce (Troyes, France) and university of Justus Libiga (Administrative region of Giessen, Germany). Partner higher education institutions of PGUTI are the Berlin technical university, university Fontis (Ayndkhofen, Netherlands), the Israeli technological university (Haifa, Israel) and others.

In other words, practically at any local higher education institution the, quite wide list of foreign partners. And to choose suitable you, for a start address in the university International center. Similar structural divisions are in each higher education institution. There to you will help to choose the option most suitable for you on time and nature of training, after all in some institutions it is possible the whole semester will study, and somewhere only to get on practice.

How to obtain the credit for the higher education with state support How to obtain the credit for the higher education with state support Competition on the budgetary places in higher education institutions on prestigious specialties often it is so high that chances to be enlisted have unless medallists. For the others an exit there is a training on a paid basis. But where to take money? One of options - the credit subsidized by the state for education.

we Pass examinations

It is necessary to remember that just like that it is impossible to get on training to foreign higher education institution, it is necessary to pass certain tests, and in each case they the.

"To take part in one of these master programs, students have to pass selection tests which are carried out by representatives of the chosen higher education institution, - Chursin Eugenie specifies. - They come for some days to Samara and on interview estimate professional knowledge of applicants, and also their level of proficiency in a foreign language. Some higher education institutions demand to provide the international certificate confirming knowledge of language".

B of SAMGMU also annually, at the beginning of October hold organizational meeting, examination in a foreign language and competitive selection for those who wants to go on practice the abroad. During examination the knowledge not only colloquial English, but also special terms is checked. Will help to increase points the recommendation from the dean or the research supervisor. Medical students, as a rule, in the summer, on a practical training go on training.

A if it is independent?

Even if you decided to learn in foreign higher education institution independently, it is better to inform nevertheless Alma Mater administration on the decision as it will help you not to get "tails"." There are active students who agree with foreign higher education institution about training, then provide in the international department of our university its curriculum and if the chair and the international department agree on this plan, students go on training to the chosen higher education institution for a year or on a semester without registration of the academic holiday, and discipline which they there studied, will become engrossed in reading and in our higher education institution" later, - Chursin Eugenie notes.

However, need to understand

that independent training is very expensive. For example, the student of SGEU, according to the partner program the solved will be trained in Justus Libiga's University, has to, according to a site to The Elch , pay 269,53 euros while according to the exchange program you can be disaccustomed two years absolutely free of charge for a semester. Considering that the student should pay also for accommodation, economy rather considerable. However, and a number of "official" training and trips on training too are paid. So, for example, students of SGEU for summer training at Harbin polytechnical university should pay 30 thousand rubles, and for training in higher education institution Nicosia (Cyprus) - from 5 thousand euros a year (without accommodation cost).

As can be seen

, any uniform price tag and rules in foreign higher education institutions does not exist. In each case different rules which it is difficult to understand to the unprepared person work. The only thing that remains invariable is a requirement of the certificate about knowledge of English. Without it your chances of foreign education aspire to zero, and for its receiving it is necessary to pass examination. It costs expensive too. For example, the certificate IELTS will cost 21,5 thousand rubles. But having received it, you can already request higher education institution interesting you about features of receipt, training and accommodation payment.