In Ufa will pass a symphonic concert dedication of memory of the left composers

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Ufa, 6 Sep, 2016. /IA "Bashinform", Aralbaeva Leila/.

B Ufa there will take place a concert dedication of memory of the left composers. On September 14 in the Concert hall of the Ufa school of arts in the Symphonic Palette <11> Bashkortostan program Gabdrakhmanov Abrar, Karimov Ayrat, Nizametdinov Salavat will sound. All evening on a scene — the National symphonic orchestra Republic of Bashkortostan.

To the 75 anniversary since the birth of the prominent Bashkir composer and the pianist Karimov Ayrat the symphonic pictures "Courage" according to the poem of the poet-veteran Gilyazhev Khakim "The forty sixth soldier" will sound. From heritage of the pupil and the successor of traditions Ismagilova Zagira the composer Gabdrakhmanov Abrar "Waltz imagination" will be executed. In the run-up to the 60 anniversary of the untimely deceased composer in 2013 Nizametdinov Salavat an orchestra will execute the cycle "Five Female Portraits" created by the author in 2011 on the eve of the International Women's Day.

In a concert prime ministers of new works of modern Bashkir composers will sound also. It "J.S. Bach Galaxy" Khisamutdinov Ildar and Symphony No. 4 "Song to Salavat to Yulayev" Ziganov Rashit. Behind the panel — the chief conductor of an orchestra Yakupov Raushan. Beginning at 19 o'clock.

Organizers of the project — the Union of composers Republic of Bashkortostan and the National symphonic orchestra.

"The Bashkir earth generated many known figures of the musical culture which names became national property of the republic — the manager of musical part of Novosibirsk region Izhboldina Elmira noted. — This cultural action is important for young generation, because in the center of this event — destiny of our homeland, outstanding pages of national music of the past and the present".

Leila Aralbaeva
Gabdrakhmanov Abrar
Nizametdinov Salavat
Gilyazhev Khakim