Case on murder of the child by mother will be considered by court in Krasnoyarsk territory

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<= "left"> Prosecutor's office Balahta district Krasnoyarsk Krai directed to p align to court criminal case of the woman who has made, according to militiamen, murder of the newborn child.

In prosecutor's office of Krasnoyarsk territory today, on September 2, were told by details of a tragic story. At the end of May the inhabitant of the area gave rise in a public toilet of the boy. Right after childbirth it a hand blocked to the child airways. To hide traces of crime , the woman in labor placed a body in a plastic bag and threw off in a cesspool.

Forensic-psychiatric examination recognized by p the infanticide responsible.

the Inhabitant Balahta district suspect of murder of the newborn son

the Guest threw from a balcony of the three-year-old child of the hostess in Krasnoyarsk