Arrest of 37 million rub of "Rostov" does impossible club existence
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<=> Imposing by the judicial police officer-performer of arrest on funds of JSC <1> Futbolny klub Rostov in a size of 37,7 million rubles does to p class by "text" impossible implementation of the current economic activity of club, is spoken in the FC petition which it sent to Arbitration court of Rostov region.

open company appealed to court to the judicial police officer-performer of May Day regional department of bailiffs Rostov-on-Don Department of federal bailiff service on Rostov region Volgasova Julia. The applicant asks to recognize illegal the resolution of August 4 about seizure of the funds of FC which is in bank or other credit organization.

At the same time with the statement of JSC FC"Rostov" declared the petition for acceptance of interim measures in a look arrest removal on its money in a size of 37,7 million rubles, being on accounts in LLC "Russky national bank" .

However the court considered that the applicant did not prove the reason of the address with the statement for providing the requirement with concrete circumstances, did not produce any evidence of need of acceptance of interim measures. Also the FC did not produce the evidence of that rejection of these measures can complicate or make impossible performance of the judicial act, noted court.

Besides, Arbitration court of Rostov region will consider on September 15 the statement LLC "ZEMKOMBANK" about collecting 24,07 million rubles of a debt with FC "JSC FC"Rostov" .

alexfps79 Published the Source — "Rossiyskoe agency pravovoy i sudebnoy informatsii"