The 20-year-old bicycle racer Birmans will support "Katyusha"

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the Belgian bicycle racer Yente Birmans signed the contract with "Katyusha", reports the official site of a Russian team. the 20-year-old athlete, presenting to SEG Racing Academy, won the championship Belgium and junior Round of Flanders.

"To me like classical races. I hope to much to learn at such racer, as Alexander Christoff. I will be glad to work for its success in races", - told Birmans.

knew Earlier that contracts with "Katyusha" signed the Dutch Maurits Lammertink , the Dane Vyurts Mads Schmidt , the Belgian Baptiste Plancart , the Portuguese Gonsalvesh Zhoze and the German Tsabel Rick . Source: Official site of the Katyusha cycle team
Zhoze Isidru Gonsalvesh Masiel
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing
Rick Tsabel
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing
Kristoff Alexander
Lammertink Maurits