Latvia: sympathies to Russian Federation treat the stun gun

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The security police tortured players in straykbol Latvia Latvia

Military and Russophobic hysteria which is pumped up methodically by the Latvian authorities, had to be splashed out sooner or later in any excess. And here the excess happened.

on August 28 some tens straykbolist gathered in Municipality of Ozolnieki, approximately in 30 km from Riga to play the favourite game. There arrived four teams. The scenario of game assumed that the part of the playing imitates military NATO, part — Russian. It does not bear any political loading, the Latvian ayrsoft-community in general avoids policy. The military uniform is necessary for identification of participants during game.

Players hardly managed to gather for the general construction as on the range with the included sound sirens black pickups from which fighters of Security police were landed flew. Straykbolistov showered with noise grenades then put on the earth — the person down, hands for the head. Attempts to explain — we are not saboteurs, and players in straykbol — were rigidly stopped by means of the stun gun and blows by feet on edges. All tied with a scarf eyes.

After a while there arrived group of investigators, and interrogations began. One of straykbolist (conditional "NATO official", by the way) tells:

"Me were interrogated by four persons. I saw four pairs of legs when to me untied eyes that I could show the passport copy in phone … Ordered to tell the name, a surname, date of birth and phone number. It was not pleasant that I speak silently, gave the category the stun gun. My native language — Russian. In such stressful situation it began to be confused in words and to speak something in Latvian, something Russian. Received once again the category current.

Asked: what language state? On any answers in Russian — blow an electroshock!

Questions were on which they and so knew answers — who we are, what here we do, who the captain how we train? Told that we do not train, and we play the pleasure. The answer was not pleasant. Distances category current. Thus struck with the head about a concrete floor. Thank God, did without concussion.

at the end arranged indicative beating of the captain of one of teams. All ordered to listen and remember attentively! Began to say that we are a band which wants to undermine independence of Latvia. That we want to arrange here the same that in Ukraine. And if we once again are going to play (especially those who play in the Russian form), they will arrive again"

the Security police Version such is. Allegedly the signal from the locals who have accepted players in straykbol for the Russian military who have got on the Latvian territory arrived. Pier, the Russian form misled. The police quickly arrived to a place and everything understood.

This absurd explanation obediently reproduced the majority of mass media, both Latvian, and Russian. Though its falsity is obvious. First, playing gathered on this range many times, sometimes there came police officers, checked documents, and everything was limited to it. Secondly, employees of PB of profit on "operation" without firearms, so understood that go "to take" straykbolist, instead of the armed saboteurs. Thirdly, why interrogations and tortures if at once it became clear what there was a mistake?

I Believe p, it was educational training. On straykbolist fulfilled capture of group of the military personnel of the opponent, with the subsequent rigid interrogation of the captured.

Political sense of operation — intimidation. Everything who with hope looks towards Russian Federation, have to understand: for it will beat. Not in figurative, and in the most literal sense, physically. At the person as at an animal, develop a reflex: you support Russian Federation — be hit a foot on edges or blow current.

It is very sign incident. In the 1990th and up to the middle of the 2000th PB practiced a physical abuse. Selectively, but practiced. Then these methods disappeared. Now they again come back. Us check on "poorly" and if we are not able to reject pressure, will hammer and will trample. — I mean us not only public activists, but everything whom the authorities suspect of the pro-Russian moods.

it is important that victims achieved initiation of legal proceedings. In this case it is real as similar brutal methods yet did not become routine, and it will be difficult to law enforcement agencies to wave away. It is available the whole bouquet of articles of the criminal law: tortures, drawing injuries (some straykbolist visited at once the doctor, recorded injuries), excess of office powers. The main thing that spirit fortress at victims sufficed.

Everything is very serious. I do not see a reason for jokes humourous catchphrases. Those who acted heroically yesterday on the range, tomorrow with the same diligence will escort unreliable to a concentration camp. In any case, they dream of it.

regnum author Linderman Vladimir