At 368 residents of Kursk revealed contraindications to driving

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At 368 residents of Kursk revealed contraindications to driving

Such data during meeting of the anti-narcotic commission Kursk region were given by the chairman of Regional health committee Novikova Olga.

during meeting Novikova Olga noted that in the region active measures for the prevention and suppression of the facts of management by vehicles by the drivers who are in a condition of drug intoxication are taken. One of such directions — regular raids of traffic police during which tens drivers in a podpitiya come to light.

Along with it, in all regions of area in the round-the-clock mode carry out physical examination on a state of intoxication. In municipalities the specialized offices having necessary equipment, the trained medical staff and modern techniques of definition of all groups of drugs and psychotropic substances, including in an express mode work. As result, for half a year on roads 20 drivers in a condition of drug intoxication were revealed.

Separate work is conducted by p among the Kursk autoenterprises. They are obliged to organize carrying out pretrip, intertrip and posttrip surveys of drivers, and also timely identification, discharge from work and the direction in narcological service of the drivers having problems with psychoactive agents. For violation of an order of medical survey for legal entities the penalty at the rate to 50 thousand rubles is provided.

the Result is yielded also by medical examinations during the receiving or renewal of driver's licenses. In the current year through this procedure passed about 30 thousand residents of Kursk. Contraindications to driving are revealed in 368 cases.

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