Tyolka for the champion. Whom and that give to prize-winners of the Olympic Games

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Phone number, the solution of problems with transport and army, lifelong stocks of sausage and beer – among the most unusual gifts for prize-winners of Games. 2016 Summer Olympics disappeared, but awards continue to find the heroes. To Brazil the national team of Fiji on rugby-7 won the gold Olympic medal first in the history of the country, and the day before it became known that the leaders of the island state generously awarded the head coach of team the Englishman Ryan Ben . The mentor received as a gift a ground of 1,2 hectares and "a name of the leader". In this regard we remember, what else unusual gifts were handed over to winners and prize-winners of the Olympic Games in the different countries.

the Car instead of the car

in the press is actively discussed in recent days a subject of cars for prize-winners of Games. And after all the tradition to give to Olympians of a foreign car of a premium class appeared in our country for a long time. But, for example, in 2006 of the car did not divide in the won places. Everything was much simpler: all male medallists received on" to Land Cruiser", and all women – on the SUV" ". About the one who what place won at the Games in Turin, it was possible to judge according to number on the car.
received nearly half a million dollars of United States of America, and that it is even more interesting, the lifelong right free of charge to go over the country in cars of the first class.
For Olympians were prepared by special series with numbers "001", "002" and "003". Explanations about what number relied for gold, silver and bronze medals are perhaps excessive.
Tradition to give to br for successful performances at the Olympic Games expensive cars is, for example, and to India. Athletes from this country seldom ascend to the podium therefore cars give not only for prize-winning places, but also it is simple for successful performances. For example, magnificent the gymnast Deepa Karmakar , taken in the final in a vault received the fourth place. That is remarkable, keys to the girl were handed over by the legendary Indian athlete, the outstanding player in cricket Sachin Tendulkar .
units can Be compared in popularity to Tendulkar to India only. The arrows Abhinav Bindra – one of such heroes of local sports. In 2008 it became the first and while remains the only Olympic champion in personal discipline. Before members of the national team on field hockey became champions only. For Bindr's historical victory received nearly half a million dollars of United States of America, and that it is even more interesting, the lifelong right free of charge to go over the country in cars of the first class. For India such privilege is much more powerful, than receiving personal, let and expensive car.

have more gold!
the Mongolian judoist Naydangiyn Tuvshinbayar earned by h4 for the country historical gold almost on the same day, as Bindra. To the athlete, naturally, appropriated half-dozens of various ranks, handed over some state awards, and still easily memorable telephone number consisting of one only of the nine. The matter is that to Mongolia figure 9 is considered happy, and such number had to bring to the athlete good luck. But one nine in phone it appeared insufficiently to become the Olympic champion for the second time. Naydangiyn in London took the second place.

the Victory of the Brazilian Tiago da Silva in competitions in pole vaults became one of the most high points of 2016 Summer Olympics for local fans. Very few people the known athlete managed to play clean the acting world record-holder of Reno Lyavilni and to establish a new Olympic record – 6,03 m. Certainly, Tiago received also love of all country, and a gold Olympic medal. And upon termination of the gold Olympic Games at the jumper became even more: its former club presented to da Silva a kilogram gold ingot – for memory of a tremendous victory.
And to the Russian fighter Sadulaev Abdulrashid for the first place at 2016 Summer Olympics got not only medals and a solid reward, but also a horse of achaltekin breed. Probably, as the reason of such gift video on which Sadulaev Abdulrashid on a horse with a plow plows a field during preparation for the Olympic Games served.

Olympians "are" a draft-dodger

But we will return to practical gifts which really facilitate to the caused a stir athletes further life. On the first place among such gifts, clear business, money. Singapore years – nearly $750 thousand most. The record sum was appointed not for nothing: the swimmer Skuling Dzhozef , having overtaken Felps Michael , won the gold award of the Olympic Games first in the history of the country. The state did not begin to stint and paid to the champion the round sum – one million dollars. For comparison – the Russian champions receive approximately $60 thousand. In those countries where athletes need remuneration, it makes 30-50 thousand, and Americans receive on 25.

to Many Russian prize-winners of the Olympic Games help to solve problems with housing. And in Kasakhstan everything who will win a medal at the Games, need the apartment. It is curious that the size of housing depends on award value. For gold the three-room apartment is necessary. With silver the athlete receives "two-room flat". Having taken the third place, the athlete from Kasakhstan can prepare for resettlement in one-room apartments. And the most unusual gift for an award of the Olympic Games is perhaps put to athletes from South Korea. The medal of Games practically exempts the person from a conscription: instead of two years the athlete has to serve in army only four weeks.
Skuling Dzhozef, having overtaken the most Felps Michael, won the gold award of the Olympic Games first in the history of the country. The state did not begin to stint and paid to the champion the round sum – one million dollars.

Hungry and sober nobody remains
Unusual gifts six prize-winners of Summer Olympic Games 2012, South Africa received. Four oarsmen and two swimmers as remuneration received on a cow from the local businessman. Thus each athlete should make a hard choice: to get the real animal or to fill up house storage with its equivalent – 140 kg of dried meat. It is known that opinions of athletes were shared: the swimmer Cameron Van der Burg took b a ready-made product, and, for example, the oarsman to Sizva Ndlov preferred to receive b a live cow.

Hungry did not leave also Olympic champions from Belarus. After the Olympic Games of 2008 in Beijing owners of gold medals of competitions promised to provide for life with sausage from the local producer. To seven winners monthly issued gift certificates, and they could exchange them for sausage. And if this arrangement works still, happy winners should unite with champions of the Olympic Games from Germany who besides solid monetary awards receive also on 50 liters of free beer monthly. Beer with sausage hardly enter a daily diet of Olympic champions, but their friends will be happy. Source: "Championship"

Michael Fred Phelps II
Main activity:Athlete
Dzhozef Ayzek Skuling
Last position: The professional athlete on swimming
Abdulrashid Sadulaev
Last position: The professional athlete on free-style wrestling
Абхинав Биндра
Last position: Businessman