Chelyabinsk region - Prosecutor's office Kizilskoe district Chelyabinsk region stopped violations of the housing legislation
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The prosecutor's office Kizilskoe district carried out an inspection of the address of the inhabitant of the area about the wrong charge of a payment for utilities.

It is established that Kizilskoye" was made by the employee of JSC ZhKH management company of the act quantity temporarily living in the apartment of the pensioner persons in which untrue data were specified.

The statement was drawn up according to the neigbour of the declarant who is with the pensioner in aversions. The tenant was not acquainted with it and did not sign, a copy of the document did not receive. On the basis of the statement which has been drawn up by the employee of JSC <0> "Kizilskoye's housing and communal services" with violation of rules of law, since April to 2016 pensioner illegal additional accrual of housing-and-municipal payments on one person is made.

By prosecutor's office of the area it is brought to the director of JSC <0> "Kizilskoye's housing and communal services" representation by results of which consideration the official who has broken the law, is brought to a disciplinary responsibility is brought, to the declarant recalculation of the size of debt for provided utilities is made.