RAMT is going to discuss all signs of "Democracy"

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Borodin Aleksey puts on the Big scene espionage history

the Photo: ramt.ru

the Russian academic youth theater carried out traditional collecting troupe on which submitted plans for a new season. The first premiere will be shown on the Big scene on October 4. The theater press service reports about it.

at the beginning of October "Democracy" will take place the prime minister of performance on the play of the same name Freyn Michael. The name of the English playwright is widely known as author "Noise offstage". Statement was carried out by the art director of RAMT Borodin Aleksey. In leading roles – Isaev Ilya and Krasilov Petr.

Events about which it is spoken in performance, are developed in the 1974th year when to Western Germany the espionage scandal costing to the chancellor of the Bundestag of its chair burst.

In a sheaf with performance there will pass the special program of the Youth educational project "Theatre %2B" within which a number of actions will be carried out: student's competition of creative works, competition on the best spectator review of performance, lecture in RAMTE, the devoted utopias in dramatic art, meetings of pupils of higher education institutions with founders of "Democracy".

the Director Polovtseva Catherina put on the Small stage the performance "The House with a Turret" according to the play Gorenshteyn Friedrich. It will be a new role for RAMT rising star – the actor Kerin Maxime.

Some more works of young directors are expected in this season. The graduate of a workshop Ravinsky Yegor rehearses Zhenovach Sergei, Iskander performance according to Ostrovsky "The people – we will be considered as Iskander Ramilya Fesak Rustem will finish the performance "Mermaid". In roles: Dvorzhetskaya  Anna, Devyatyarov Alexander, Yepifantsev Taras, Pivovarova Ludmila, Sipin Andrey, Grishova Olga and Vitorgan Paulina.
the 96th season the theater will open br the oldest performance of repertoire – "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". The premiere took place in 1989.
Aleksey Borodin
Last position: Artistic director (RAMT)
Sergei Zhenovach
Last position: Professor, Head of the department of direction of the drama (RUSSIAN FEDERATION HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION TEATRALNOGO ISKUSSTVA-GITIS)
Maxime Kerin
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
Alexander Grishin
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
Main activity:Culture and sports