In Riga rescuers helped young men to get out of the wood

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In Riga rescuers helped young men to get out of the wood Foto: information portal "DELFI" Rescuers helped four young men to get out of the wood in which those got lost. About it reports LETA with reference to the representative of the press service of rescue and fire fighting service to Int Shabokh.

Young men got lost in forest area in Sayvas Street vicinities (the private sector in Manggali's residential district).

Keeping with them in contact by phone and using a sound signal, saviors defined the approximate location of young men, and then brought them out of the wood.

Also the State Fire and Rescue Service informs p that for the past days, on August 26, to Latvia 24 fires are extinguished. In fires four persons suffered and one was rescued. Eight fires are registered in Riga, six — in other cities, ten — in the regions Latvia.

the Fire occurred in Riga, in the apartment on st. To Bruniniyek, and in him the 66-year-old man suffered. In Daugavpils the one-storeyed wooden house burned, and in this fire the 61-year-old woman suffered. As a result of a fire in the apartment in Limbaži the 87-year-old woman, in Municipality of Vilani in a minibus fire — the man of 30 years suffered.