On JSC "AUTOVAZ" suggested to give to Olympic champions domestic cars

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The vice-president of concern Shakirov Raf scarified the statement of the Olympic champion in fencing of Akhmatkhuzin Arthur which told that is glad to receive as a gift for a victory in Rio the car of , instead of . About it reports " JSC "Ekho Moscow"".

"I cannot understand a why he told about , instead of, for example, about "Muscovite" or Dacia" — was indignant Shakirov Raf in interview to "National news service". He added that the offer to hand over domestic cars are not game on "patriotic feelings", it is simple "such is tradition" — Shakirov Raf told.

on August 25 in the Kremlin there took place a ceremony of delivery of Olympians state awards. After that to athletes transferred keys from cars: champions of Games became owners of to X6, silver prize-winners received X4, and bronze medallists — X3. The cars assembled at the Kaliningrad plant "Avtotor", Fund of support of Olympians Russia provided.


As were reported by information portal "Yugopolis", scandal burst next day. On a popular site on sale of cars sold one of cars of to X6 which were the day before handed over to the Russian winners of Igr-2016 to Rio de Janeiro. The seller acting in interests of the owner, told that the car belongs to the member combined Russian Federation on synchronized swimming. The car offered for sale because her owner is not able to drive.

the Olympic Games took place p to Rio de Janeiro from August 5 to August 21. In the overall medal ranking Russian Federation took the fourth place, having won 56 medals: 19 gold, 18 silver and 19 bronze.

Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles